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Everything posted by fusion

  1. I didn't say it could have, but anyone who as trained any serious defense training (Krav Maga is one of the most popular) against knife attacks stands a reasonable chance to disarm most attackers especially if they aren't the target. It's not as difficult as someone thinks especially if you're practiced. You go ahead and pull that trigger in a room full of people though.
  2. Except that some of us have actually trained in actual self defense including in dealing with things like disarming an attacker with a knife. Why? because there are people with a realistic view of defense and self defense and would rather not be a victim. We would also like to be able to stand a realistic chance at also protecting those around us. I did read it. Like I said they couldn't stop one guy from stabbing/cutting 4 people. Doesn't matter if they were trying to stop him or the intended targets. One guy injured 4 people... You just keep thinking that having a gun would have magically stopped this and other situations like it. Some sort of magical clean shot would have appeared at the right time. Whatever...
  3. Because people are still people. On one side you have a group of gun fanatics thinking everyone should be a gun toting, shoot 'em cowboy that will protect magically from all the bad guys. On the other side you have a group that are afraid of big bad weapons, and wants everyone to just hug out their feelings. People work in government, people are people.
  4. bar full of pussies couldn't stop a single guy with a knife from stabbing/cutting 4 people and you guys think someone becomes a super hero with a gun. :lol:
  5. Our government couldn't care less if we were walking around with our little handguns. Moar fear and all that...
  6. +1 Go borrow and rent a bunch and shoot them enough to get a feel for them. Then start thinking about what kind and which you want.
  7. Some are funny, some are dumb and combined they walk the edge of religious fanaticism.
  8. A) You aren't going to see Thunderbolt on the iPad* either. B) Except the MBP, setting aside of course that there is a ton of demand for one and there's not real reason for them not to add one. C) In comparisons the the Ipad Screen is brighter but the text and picture is is crisper on the Xoom. How is it cheaper? D)No it's a tablet and should have an OS that fits the form factor. Even HP and RIM realizes that.. E) This one actually caught me off guard. Seemed like a no brainer/easy addition. The other 3 (Xoom, Playbook and Touchpad) will support 4G. F) I noticed on the video and photos I've seen it on. Seemed odd. G) You would think they would throw that out there if they had increased it. Right now it's 256MB, the other 3 are all 1GB. H)Uh no. VGA is 640x480 or .31 megapixels. Xoom is 2MP, the Touchpad is 1.3MP and Playbook is 3MP. I'll also add that the Xoom has a dual LED flash that also doubles as a video light. The Xoom hands the iPad its ass hands down and so will many of the other tablets (of various OS's) as their released. The fact that I'll never need to deal with stupid adapters or iTunes again is pure win. I just wish there were more apps for Android. That will change over time though.
  9. Lame. No USB port, no integrated SD slot, same screen, same crappy non-tablet optimized UI, no 4G, looks like the stupid speaker is on the bottom, no mention that they increased the RAM from the wimpy 256MB the 1st gen has, the front camera is listed as VGA ...
  10. I feel the same way about the money wasted processing traffic citations. No turn signal? Boom! Headshot motherfucker!
  11. Hey we left and went to The Pub! Sadly we did not drink though. Was good seeing you again.
  12. The problem is there weren't enough controls (don't get carried away now) early on allowing the market to be flooded with weapons making them easily accessible to criminals. Now it's going to be difficult (if not improbable) to close that box again with any kind of legislation. NRA and gun manufacturers are going to do anything they can to fight it since it hurts their business. NRA, manufactures and stores make way too much money for them to allow the government slow or limit their sales. On a related note, if you think the NRA is fighting for your 2nd Amendment right to own a firearm you're nothing but a sheep. They are fighting for their business interests and nothing else. Keep in mind I say this as someone who owns a handful weapons myself, has a family that shoots and carries everyday. I like my guns and I'd rather like to keep them. The only way to make sure that happens in the long term is to fight for smart gun laws that make sense and not feed those whose business it is to sell them or get rid of them.
  13. I love all ya guys. The Vietnam era vets I would talk to at the bases always had the best stories. Those guys were awesome. I wouldn't trade my time growing up a military brat, serving myself or being a military spouse for anything.
  14. We're used to it. The jealously sets in as soon as you guys can't score high enough to qualify for our jobs.
  15. I was in the Air Force, we were too busy doing our jobs to take pictures.
  16. We believe in a metal discovered by a Frenchman.
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