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Everything posted by fusion

  1. This one directly refutes this one and I quoted the part from that section that helps provide evidence. OR Merely needed pointing out that those lines are about fee schedules which all insurance companies use.
  2. fusion


    I knew what was coming and still nearly spit Monster all over my laptop.
  3. Uh duh, apparently in some places there's also a series of lefts.
  4. I hear Iran has beautiful beaches this time of year.
  5. There were 10 of us that showed up late. Sorry we missed you guys.
  6. I'm just saying no wonder no one was there when the rest of us showed up, because we couldn't make it until a later time given it was a Saturday.
  7. American "Tourists" in these areas are often Christian missionaries out to convert. They don't openly tell anyone they are missionairies for fear of getting killed in some places.
  8. Never got bored with my 600 and just might pic up another. Commuting on a liter bike for me is much more enjoyable than the 600 was.
  9. The OP says 11-2 and you guys leave at 12:45???
  10. You're a nurse practioner? Don't think I knew that , I guess that changes everything then. Thanks for another post that doesn't even address the the topic at hand. I addressed those that didn't read what they felt the need to comment on (in your case bitch about) as idiots. Idiot isn't name calling, it's a descriptor that fairly sums up your mental capability when it comes to these types of discussions that may involve any sort of critical thinking. Anyway, that was a general statement and yes you probably fall into that category. It even says less that in your skimming you couldn't determine that the statement you were bitching about was false. It takes about 30 seconds to read that section to determine what it entails. As for an educated response, you might want to go back compare my response to yours. Your response I commented was uneducated by definition given you didn't even comprehend the topic, the lines referenced in the bill, which was exactly what I was addressing (the topic and peoples inability to comprehend). Oh and it's Jeremi, with an 'i', dumbass. There's your name calling...no wait that seems to an adequate descriptor as well.
  11. Sorry man after commuting on both the 600 and 1000 for a bit I'd hardly call it lazy riding in preferring the liter for that advantage.
  12. I'll say from my limited experience, as well as my wifes, from shooting both the 9mm and .40 subcompact XDs I only noticed slightly more recoil from the .40 and she says she really doesn't notice any difference at all.
  13. Except for this of course posted from the OP... "SPECIAL BULLETIN NATIONAL HEALTH SCARE By Rick Joyner" Doesn't make the list anyless worthless. We'll set aside that Liberty is kind of a joke.
  14. SQUID!!!!!! Great shots man, looks fun.
  15. My wife has the Sprindfield XD subcompact 9mm and I've also spent some time on the range lately with the .40 version trying it out. Great guns. The kit comes with 10 and 16 round mags, with the 16 adding some extension to the grip.
  16. So you admit you commented on (bitched about) something you didn't even read??? Doesn't sound very bright.
  17. That doesn't say that either. You realize the insurance companies only pay certain amounts based on fee schedules as well right? Did you also know that doctor's offices (to include dentists) often charge you based on those fee schedules?
  18. Damn you went way back for this one
  19. Except it doesn't say what they claim at all... I wish idiots would actually read the thing. It even includes this wonderful little line as a part of that section, "effectively communicates the individual’s preferences regarding life sustaining treatment, including an indication of the treatment and care desired by the individual;" It's all the sky is falling bullshit. First, it's still being working in the House. Second, instead of just reading the pieces you might want to try reading the whole section some of those tidbits are pulled from so you can see plain and simple they are trying to instill nothing but fear...
  20. Post up if you guys head out I might see if I can break away from here.
  21. I would be embarrassed to tell that story.
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