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Everything posted by fusion

  1. Nah I responded to current posts in a 2 year old thread. and maybe I am a tad bored....
  2. Wow you guys must be seriously bored to dig up 2 year old threads...
  3. I totally didn't see this or I would have gone.
  4. That kid is just awesome. His reaction to seeing Ozzy was great.
  5. fusion

    Woot Off...

    The amount of stuff my coworkers and I have bought off of woot over the years is insane.
  6. I'm good with that if I can make it out.
  7. Time to find a new gf.
  8. It's a bit far out, but I'm going to try and bring the family up for this.
  9. fusion

    555 dayton trip

    I'd like to hear from some of the guys that have come down and ridden with us on some of our roads and their opinions compared to 555.
  10. Kick ass rider. Respectable feat no matter what you ride.
  11. fusion

    555 dayton trip

    I'd love to do another two day over the weekend..minus the crashing and all of course.
  12. fusion

    555 dayton trip

    I'm betting if we plan far enough in advance we could get a crew together for Mid-Ohio next year.
  13. http://www.aclu.org/privacy/spying/areyoulivinginaconstitutionfreezone.html
  14. fusion

    555 dayton trip

    If it's a Sunday I'm more than likely down for it.
  15. No it doesn't unless your saying people (certain races?) are bred with certain characteristics (look, behavior,...) Breed != race, it doesn't work as even a shitty analogy. My comment then was only on the stats reported due to attacks by breed. I frankly didn't agree with the whole Pits should be banned BS to begin with, but it's ignorant of people to think that dogs can't be bred to be "naturally" aggressive towards something or specifically bred for killing people. Fact is some dogs ARE more aggressive due to breeding. In some cases this is towards humans and in others, like Pits, it's dog aggression.
  16. WTF are you talking about? That has got to be one of the most retarded analogies I've seen in a long time.
  17. Wow this thread was almost a year old and dead...
  18. Got that backwards brother...any woman that would fuck around behind your back isn't worth having and certainly isn't worth going to jail over.
  19. Hate to break it to you, but if you really think that you are going to be disappointed.
  20. Until he makes you wreck and eat shit.
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