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Everything posted by fusion

  1. +1 Too much vibrating would get annoying. I can understand all the vibrations my 600rr had in store for the passenger since the exhaust ran right under them. I never really noticed any in the saddle though.
  2. Riding a Kawi or not understanding an internet meme. Take your pick, both are more ghey.
  3. *makes a mental note to be sure not to touch Extremef4i's seat* *EVAR*
  4. The pictures make it look like an extra large, lame bike night. I'll roll down with you guys if I have time and there's a group going though.
  5. Looks more like heavy curves adjustment and/or way over done HDR with tone mapping. True HDR is supposed to look more natural. Cool shot either way. You don't need a plug-in for CS3 to do HDR for what it's worth.
  6. Nothing more ghey than worrying about what other guys are wearing.
  7. First thing that went through my head.
  8. Best motorcycle series EVAR
  9. Generally you pay for usage when you buy photos you don't buy the copyright. Images are copyrighted the second the shutter is pressed.
  10. fusion


    Awesome! I'll take some pics tonight or tomorrow and post my stuff up.
  11. fusion


    This is a general thread for discussing various shooting techniques.
  12. fusion

    C & c

    Want some constructive criticism post it up and get your critiques here. Please keep it constructive.
  13. fusion


    A thread for gear discussions; bodies, lenses, lighting etc...
  14. Just random photo talk that may not fit into another already created discussion.
  15. fusion has created a new social group called "Photography", with the following description: To join this group visit the social groups homepage where this new group will be listed.
  16. Good to see I wasn't the only one confused by the title.
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