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Everything posted by Pedro

  1. Pedro

    1911 ?

    Don't come on a Monday unless you wanna be disappointed. They are closed on Sundays and Mondays. I find this out the hard way a long time ago.
  2. Pedro

    1911 ?

    I remember his post about Colts.
  3. Pedro

    1911 ?

    I went looking this past weekend. I would be interested in seeing the response's to this thread as well because I want to pick one up in the next few weeks as well. The two brands I have been looking at so far are the Colt and the Springfield Armory Mil-Spec A1
  4. I've overfilled mine before and just let the drain plug out slowly and kept a little force on it the whole time until it drained the amount of oil out that I wanted.
  5. If it measures between both lines and you are measuring with the bike standing up straight I would assume you would be fine leaving it at the level it is at.
  6. I am most interested in your mission.... Do you have a brochure?
  7. Pedro


    I'm disappointed to. She let her emotions get the best of her and people are going to remember that incident for a long time.
  8. Kosmo, if I don't make it over there can you give my stuff to Jagr please?
  9. Fuck you likwid!! . The bright side is at least you had an issue so close to home and there was no wreck. I hope it's a easy cheap fix and you are able to get back on the bike soon.
  10. Ha! I was gonna ask the price question too... There are a few members here that have been looking to pick one of those up. Nice choice and congrats on the purchase.
  11. What time did this show start? I got there at 4:30 and stayed till 5:30. The only bike I saw was in the bed of a pickup truck so I left.
  12. If it's any consolation I'm laying in bed since I have to get up early tomorrow.
  13. Rip. Sorry to hear that Jagr, sucks hearing about any rider going done.
  14. Pedro


    LOL, that's funny about your wife getting a better score. I'm sure she'll never let you forget that. Congrats on the house purchase and passing the class.
  15. Sorry to hear this. I can't imagine what you are going through. Good luck with everything. You have a positive attitude and outlook on things, one that I don't know if I could have had the same happened to me.
  16. You guys going to this? If so, I may swing through for a little bit if I can get some errands done beforehand.
  17. http://dispatch.com/live/content/local_news/stories/2009/09/11/2killediraq.ART_ART_09-11-09_A1_D2F1OFA.html?sid=101
  18. I was wondering why you were signing up for a ride on a college football saturday....
  19. ^ Nice video, I recall seeing it somewhere a while ago. Lot of good info in that video.
  20. I'll take a cleaning mat and towel if still available.
  21. RIP. A lady at my job said her husband used to ride with the guy.
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