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Everything posted by Pedro

  1. Well played good sir! I hear the Barcelona restuarant near downtown is a good place. If it's the first date though Easton Funny bone doesn't sound like a bad idea at all.
  2. I got two sticks of bubble gum and cab fare....
  3. I say keep the money.... He's the one that decided to break the ground rules you two agreed to.
  4. Pedro


    A wise old man once told me it is easier to ask for forgiveness than it is to ask for permission...... Words to live by....
  5. It's crazy how all of those little events culminated in his death. Rip
  6. Pedro

    Cops on 315

    I was on 315 today and they had people pulled over left and right. 270 was swarming with cops today too.
  7. LMAO. You giveth and taketh away his extra "G" all the time.
  8. Run.................. before it's too late... j/k Congrats on the marriage and best of luck to you two.
  9. Pedro


    So there's eight now...... When do we start?
  10. LMAO. I was reading this thread like WTF is going on. LOL
  11. I finally got to watch this last night. That was a nice battle, it reminded me of the Stoner/Rossi battle at Laguna Seca.
  12. Pedro


    Cool. I'm down for a weekend then for sure.
  13. Pedro


    I'll be down for it if it's on a weekend. Weeknights are usually too busy for me.
  14. I agree, it was a very funny movie.
  15. Wow, that was fast. Congrats on the quick sale.
  16. Naw, just more community service. That'll teach em!
  17. LMAO. In all seriousness sucks they messed with your bike. Hope it's a cheap fix.
  18. I'll probably be in for both days.
  19. Yikes, glad the rider made it and was able to talk about it.
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