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Posts posted by Pedro

  1. you know funny you should ask... It was one hot July day some time ago and I had been looking at you tube videos of motorcycle accidents. I remember one guy leaving a comment saying "better to wear gear and sweat than need a skin graft". Later that day I went out to ride with some guys, I started to walk out the door and was like should I go without my jacket since its in the 90s.... and then I remembered that guys comment on the youtube video. So I grabbed my jacket, only to lay my bike down a couple hours later. If I hadn't had my gear on, I would of needed skin grafts for sure.

    Skin grafts are no joke. I had one last month and the shit still hurts.

    It's funny you mention the thing about taking a jacket on a hot summer day. I wrecked in 2006 under the same set of circumstances coming back from the Dayton Air Show. I contemplated taking my jacket that day and it's a good thing I did.

  2. Naw...the goose was your friend!

    Yeah, that's true. You did look out for me. Back in April when I had a repeat of the issue I had a tow truck take it to the Pony since it was a Friday morning and everyone was at work.

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