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Everything posted by Pedro

  1. It takes a little over 3 quarts to fill my 06 Suzuki.
  2. Are you speaking from experience? Or is this one of those " I know somebody that knows somebody?":D
  3. Their rates have gotten better but it still isn't even close to what I am paying with a competitor. In 2006 Nationwide quoted me 8200 bucks a year for full coverage with state mininums. In 2007 I received a quote for around 4000 bucks and this past spring they gave me a quote for 2300. I have no accidents or tickets ever and I am 29.
  4. Yeah, I know for sure they write sportbikes. I have received quotes from them the last few years.
  5. And this pic deserves a post all by itself. This was snapped right after Whodey passed some little kid at Magic Mountain. "Rubbin is racing....." LMAO And one more for good measure..... We had a blast on this photo hunt. It was Whodey, Attack Painter, me, and a mystery rider.
  6. Here are team DTF pics.. Sorry for the size. I knew Whodey always wanted a Gixxer.... Proof right here..
  7. Nationwide quotes and writes motorcycle policies... Now, that being said, the rates they give you are not the best on sportbikes.
  8. I would shop around. State Farm has some of the better rates that I have seen on motorcycle insurance. Med pay coverage is a separate coverage, it is not usually included in full coverage. Most agent's definition of full coverage is comprehensive and collision. I would ask them to give you a breakdown of the insurance premium so you know what all it includes and does not include.
  9. I'm listening to "Hello" by Enimem right now.
  10. Thanks. Take your time.
  11. Pedro

    free air?

    Damn, that sucks..Guess you are SOL Whodey.
  12. Carie, can you break down the team members who were on each team?
  13. ^ The second one from the right...
  14. Pedro

    free air?

    Most gas stations give free air to their customers with a purchase. I know Speedway does if IRC.
  15. This sounds good just because of the BBQ sauce.. I ate at their restaurant this weekend. One of my favorite crock pot recipes is pot roast. I put a roast in the crock pot, pour a can of cream of celery soup over it, add salt, pepper, and garlic powder, two cans of water, and cook on medium for four or five hours.
  16. He's fucked........ Tell him to call the title office for the state of Ohio. I'm sure they should be able to answer this.
  17. +1 Some people are into some kinky stuff.. I bet he was doing this as well. I doubt it was a suicide.
  18. Great pics Whodey.... minus the get off.
  19. Buy it and sell me that Toshiba laptop.......
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