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Everything posted by Pedro

  1. Sorry to hear that. I hope he has a speedy recovery.
  2. He shouldn't have to have his garage door changed. He should just be able to erase all of the trained codes and then reprogram the replacement transmitter.
  3. LOL, I was going to go to the one off of 23 too... Looks like it's a good thing that I didn't.
  4. Nice work getting it reduced.
  5. Sorry, but I have sold the spare I had.
  6. LOL. You were gonna buy it for the same price.... I actually sold it to him for a little less than the 140.00 since I agreed to sell it to Petro for a lower amount. I guess he changed his mind on buying it.
  7. I saw this a few years ago. I printed it out and gave it to a woman I was dating at the time.. She left it on the coffee table and never put in place the suggestions spelled out in the document. I guess my pimp wasn't as strong as I thought it was back then...
  8. LMAO. We talked about that too...
  9. Call and ask them. I would think they can do that.
  10. LOL, fair enough. Bad things would probably happen if that pic hits the surface.
  11. LOL. What about the "I hid the cookies" pic from Saturday?
  12. I almost stopped by there on Saturday. I was riding up in Delaware but I didn't wanna blow your cover. Your welcome.....
  13. Damn. That's a long ass training class. Good luck.
  14. Yeah, just replace the tire considering what you want to do with it. I wouldn't trust that tire to hold up with a patch on it.
  15. Damn man, how long is your training?
  16. I'm out, it's hard for me to get out on Tuesday's with work. Let me know when the next one is.
  17. Pedro


    Happy B-Day Elliot.
  18. Damn man, this isn't looking good for for me either. I need to pick up some more shotgun shells and .40 cal ammo.
  19. I might be game for this. I voted for Thursday night. Where is this place at? I have never heard of it before..
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