Last year, I got a ticket from the police officer in the original post. I was speeding, 135 in a 65, he got me just south of Morse Rd, sitting between the merging lane, and the far right lane. Heres the thing though. He was very, Very cool. He told me because I wasnt on 1 wheel, or weaving through traffic, and that the traffic was very light at that time, he wouldnt give me a ticket for reckless op. I asked for no favors, nor did I expect them. He did tell me he was a rider, and that he understands why I was going that fast, just that it IS against the law and I need to slow it down. I said, "yes sir". A phrase I first learned in the military, works well because you show respect. So I got my $150.00 speeding ticket and 2 points, but the officer really could have made life rough for me. Funny thing though, he said he was suprised I didnt run. Even said the bike was nice.