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Everything posted by samhain138

  1. good info Yota' Any locksmith can make you a duplicate, just have to have the right key blank, which usually needs to be ordered through the dealer. Alot of motorcycle key blanks are actually on hand to locksmiths. Mine wasnt, when I decided to make an extra, and had to order a blank thru the dealer. Motorsports of Columbus uses Carl Zipf exclusively for all of their needs.
  2. Welcome....what unit are/were you in? I was 1-41 inf. airborne ranger 11bravo, 11mike cert. You llrp?
  3. http://www.greggscustoms.com/ click on products, go to custom swingarms. Should run you about $2000-$2500. It will be heavier than your stock setup, and you gotta get new wheels, but if its for looks, then its all good. Performance wise, its a waste of $$.
  4. Looks really sharp Almost got a micron for my bike.....nice man.
  5. Negative. I never really checked out your bike, just saw it from the patio where we had wings.
  6. Right where hondas belong.......Behind the 10. I'm sure it looks great in the rear view mirrors! j/k!
  7. Mav, do you have a close up of your exhaust? Looks sweet mang.
  8. AK47.net, ZX-10R.net, pirateoffroad forum, a glock forum, a veterans message board, and this one.
  9. The f4i was my first bike as well.....lol Enjoy the site.
  10. lots of 10's on this site. Nice color!
  11. Being a Cleveland native, I'll describe directions as best I can as I dont know road names here very well. from downtown cols.....70 E. to 33E. to 674 (gender rd.) Right at light, go to dead end, turn Left, (674 katty corners, but I dont know the name of the road you really turn onto.) So you go thru Lithopolis, 25mph, stay on that road, past stop light and one stop sign, then turn Right at Zion rd. (or Mt. Zion, something like that) Then about 400-500 meters on the left there are 2 areas you can park at. Follow the trail back to the hill. Or you can walk across the frozen pond to get there, either or. The actual Dam and covered bridge is just before Zion rd. On the right.
  12. Just went there to do some sledding. Holy shit that place is sweet. Its just past Lithopolis, well worth going to if you are an adrenalin junkie. You need BALLS to go down the left side of the hill. I think a guy broke his wrist today while I was there.
  13. Yeah, the range time and targets are cheap as can be. I'm assuming Maverick is talking about ammo being expensive? Wal-mart special winchester is the way to go! I like Cor-Bon JHP for defense. One of these days I'll try to hook up w/ you guys, ride and range day!!!
  14. You guys ever go to the powder room? or New Albany shooting range? I do the powder room for winter shooting. Price is cool, old guys run it, so everythings relaxed. Blackwing is nice too. I want to do the trap shooting they offer.
  15. I really like the idea.........i'll take tons of pics. And a few of my friends, who arent members yet like the idea. I say game on.
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