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Everything posted by samhain138

  1. Ahhhh, I know where one is that might make your record go *-1 My bike is definately not unbeatable. Any liter bike w/ motor work/ or turbo/sc/ or nitro would give me a good run. Would you be talking about your Gsxr???
  2. 135 otd...no hook up....grrr...sux. Bought the damn thing.
  3. I hope that it wasnt any of those who frequent this forum.....but I just killed a g1k by about 15 bikes on 33 east bound after ricart, before the refugee rd exit. We lined up, he went to full tuck, I followed, he was on while I was tucking in....then he's about 5 bikes on me at about 100 mph...I go wide open in 3rd gear, blow by him, and quickshift 4,5,6th....end up about 15 bikes when I let off at an indicated 189 mph...about 12k in 6th. Redline is 13k...My speedo wont read any higher. Destroyed that gixxer. :devilzwhite: Adrenaline is still pumped up...the 10r is too nice.
  4. +1, Ive done the above, plus gsxr1k, 1krr, and zx-14. All on my lil 10r. Fortunately, no losses yet. This thread has evolved into a crazy mess, read-----> :bigsign: ..... So what do you all think about those dual exhausts on the new 1k?
  5. That 10r is nice, blacked out forks, rearsets, can covers....And I was thinking the same thing about that R1, where is the Ram Air intake??
  6. I think its cool you and your son will be in on this together. Good luck.
  7. If I can make it happen, Id like to have one for a track bike. Either that or an R6
  8. mine is almost 40 lbs lighter than the current 10r....was just messin w/ ya. AHA.
  9. Although I think the selectable maps are cool, it is after all a suzuki. Not a whole lot to get excited about!
  10. i'll take the winner of u 2. 8) But back to the original thread....I like the new 1k....just dont like duals on it. That tach is SAWEET! And it has traction control? 3 maps on the fly, thats trick being bone stock. Im holdin out for the 08 10r. On a side note, I will have my pc3usb Hub here in about 3 weeks, switch pc maps and ignition on the fly!
  11. samhain138

    The "555"

    Glad you all are ok. 15 mph turns are Tight!
  12. Possibly gasoline quality. Did you fill up before the recent problems? That would be the first thing I would look into. Other than that, I would trade it in on a 10r.
  13. Weather permitting im in.... sounds like a blast!
  14. samhain138

    The "555"

    664 is sweet too, there are 2 15 mph curves that are in great condition "no gravel, ect." Ive been running 674 to 56 to 664 for the past 3 weeks. You know a good ride for sure pops.
  15. samhain138

    The "555"

    Jimbos is pretty sweet. And 56 is a great road when its not full of gravel.
  16. green, runs tip top, looks great, 6k on the odometer, no pics but its right here in columbus at my garage. Brand new Metzeler tires, about 50 miles on them. $2600.00 cash and its yours.
  17. samhain138

    The "555"

    you get that bike fixed yet?
  18. Pit bull rear stand needed. Anyone got the hook up?
  19. My friend Robert and I are going tomorrow. It is gonna be a fun , fast ride. Anyone can come, you are all welcome. We are going to leave O'Charleys on 674 around 5pm. My # is 2378516. Let me know, late!
  20. Me and a friend are going to rip up hocking hills. If its not too late, we'll stop up there f'sho. I thought it was gonna rain all week.???
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