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Everything posted by turbomark

  1. I've witnessed the passing of my grandfather(89 years), my grandma (75 years), and an aunt(52 years(suicide)). None of these events compared to what I went through my junior year of high school. It was the first week of school and common sense and a level head gave way to youthful exuberance and a few of my friends decided to race a local 3kgt after the first football game of the year. Four of my friends were in a 92 iroc with a few mods, the opponent was in his 3kgt sl. I was in my mercury sable (car I had been given when I got my license) my other friend was in his lifted gmc1500. We went to the local office parks which had a nice wide straight long road. The racing participants lined up while my friend flagged the race. They went and I followed... and followed... and followed. The race seemed like forever and was pretty close. The end of the street began to approach, first slowly, then much much faster. I started to say to myself "stop stop STOP STOP STOP STOP!!!!!!!" it didn't happen. My friend finally braked and locked them up. The car went sideways, slid across an intersection and broadsided a tree. I knew at that moment that this was a life and death situation. I pulled up and parked ran out of my car, my friend in the sierra pulled up and immediately drove off as fast as he could in the direction of a phone/emergency service as none of us had cells at the time. I approached the mangled wreck of a turdgen. it was the most horrible thing I had ever seen. Chris was still behind the wheel, bleeding from the head and unconscious. My friend since first grade Richie was no longer in the car but about 10 feet away, he was conscious but in very critical condition. He had been thrown out of the window and his abdomen was sliced open on his side... he was in bad condition. Mike was in between the back seat and the front seat. He was perfectly still and not breathing regularly. The last passenger was sitting,in the passenger seat, calm, and in terrible shock. I went over to rich and held him in my arms, his last words were "i'm sorry". I lost three great friends that night, none of them were wearing seat belts, the only survivor was wearing one. Having to attend the funerals of three of your best friends in two days is possibly the worst thing i've ever had to do. http://www.sunnews.com/news/1999/0902/scoping.htm article from the time. Alex, I and unfortunately many people have gone through the same thing and it is tragic. Nobody should die that young ever. It's a hard thing to live through, especially at this stage in life. Unfortunately I don't have much in teh way of advice to get through it. It's tough no matter how you approach it. However, this is a time when you need to be close with your friends, and close with your family. While you may think that you're dealing with it alright you may also find yourself really depressed and withdrawn, and that's when you need your friends. Good luck and best wishes. -Mark
  2. trust me... on this site if it's more than a week old it's going to be a repost. Even if it's porn.
  3. It was in front of jimmy johns/four kegs at 15th and high... I don't remember it at all.
  4. turbomark


    Mercedes diesel= indestructible. My neighbor has had a 1975 diesel mercedes for years it has 2xx,xxx miles on it and will run on practically anything that burns.
  5. My dad has an 01 outback 5 spd (yeah they make outbacks in mt) he absolutely loves it. The head gasket did pop at around 135,000 miles but other than that the car has been rock solid. I believe theres a service bulletin about the head gasket issue and that it's caused by one of the head studs not staying torqued properly. Also if you're looking at subies make sure that the valve covers aren't leaking, they're more leak prone than the majority of cars and can be somewhat expensive to fix as the covers are a total beyatch to get to.
  6. I have the same thing in my 100+ year old building. It seriously sounds like someone was up stairs and hit the floor with a sledge as hard as they could... it caused my coin jar to fall off my dresser and break. Not fun at all.
  7. I liked it better when you wanted to turbo a focus... at least nobody would care when it blew up/sucked.
  8. In case anybody hasn't seen yet ohio state is closed as of 1:30 pm feb 13. Just a heads up to anyone who might have not checked.
  9. turbomark

    Pond Hockey!

    A few years ago me and a group of friends would go out onto mirror lake and play, that is until the university police found out, it was a quick end.
  10. Audi interiors are by far some of the best looking interiors out there. Props on a very nice ride.
  11. I need a couple bike parts made and I haven't been able to find anyone who manufactures exactly what I need. I'd be more than willing to pay for time and materials (which shouldn't be much). If anyone has any ideas let me know. Waterjet machines would probably be alright too... although cnc would be preferred as the part I'm making would work better given a 3D design.
  12. turbomark

    Epic Movie

    Waiting seriously was written by servers I swear it. The movie is dead fucking on.
  13. Sheep are tastier too. And can make you nice socks.
  14. new to me. I was debating between gc and circleville.
  15. 90-92 have 3 bolt rear ends, but 6 bolt engines, 92-94 have th e 1g 7 bolt engine.
  16. I think the meaning behind my statement was missed. Jaguar could have been bought out by any company and their reliability would've increased, hell they probably would've produced a better product if their engineering had been taken over by Briggs & Stratton
  17. Remember, Jaguars reliability was supposed to have gone UP after ford bought them.
  18. http://videos.streetfire.net/video/2a8ced4d-b2e8-4081-9420-8fdb1c1a0977.htm I don't know where my video went that didn't have music... but old setup from like 2 years ago
  19. Any way of mounting the engine lengthwise and using a Porsche tranny? I know that's what most people use when swapping engines into a rear engine rwd application.
  20. You'll shoot your eye out kid.
  21. probably an engineering project. Cool shit either way. I remember when I was little the lego technic series was probably my favorite toy of all time.
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