Everyone in this thread is right and wrong at the same time. Yes todays music blows more cock than dat woman u love 2 hate. However, how good was the music you liked when you were 13? Granted when I was 13 I liked some pretty classic stuff, 311, no doubt, stp, bush, some rap stuff including dre, biggie, and wu-tang. All the bible thumpers in here need to realize that we live in the most conservative free country in the world, have any of you ever been overseas? I guess the rest of the world believes in parenting more so than just trust that the media is going to do a good job of raising your children. And as much as I want to gag when I see two men kissing on tv any one of you can drive through columbus in the right place at the right time and see it in person.
ps: I dvr all the american gladiator's on espn classic