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Everything posted by turbomark

  1. Diffs between 2jz-ge and gte are no oil squirters in ge, different pistons, higher compression ratio, different cams. Head studs and a thicker headgasket to lower the compression and you can put down a solid 550-600 hp on them. You'll bust the tranny long before you break the engine though. The w58 is fairly fragile (if it's a 5 spd)
  2. The above was posted before I saw that the pictures were actually of an e46 and not an e90/92.
  3. I might possibly be going to spartanburg nc to test drive them before they're officially released. Working for the company has its perks.
  4. I have a 75 gallon african tank... currently it only has two fish in it and I'm trying to get rid of the one so that I can start again from scratch with it. It's a 10 inch hornet tilapia... as if everyone hasnt already seen the free african child thread. It's still available.
  5. My camry was stolen from olentangy village... right around the corner from you.
  6. Nasty big turbo high rev 2jz's sound sick IMO
  7. Mine comes with flies. should I be ashamed I said that?
  8. He's been mixed with south americans ever since i've had him, they're the only ones that will get along with him. I have him with a couple smaller jacks right now actually.
  9. I'll admit... it is somewhat humorous
  10. Somewhere between 8 and 10 inches, your fish would be dead within 48 hours
  11. http://aqualandpetsplus.com/Cichli266.jpg Looks like this
  12. Free to a good home: adult Hornet Tilapia. This is a Tanganyika cichlid from africa, very hardy, pretty coloration but not really "colorful". Needs a large tank as it is a fairly big fish, I currently have him/her housed in a 75 gallon set up with plenty of rocks/hiding places. It likes to dig and can be a bully to smaller fish. I've had it with oscars and full grown jack dempseys and it hasn't bothered them much, however when I had it in a tank with smaller africans it could be fairly pugilistic. I'm just trying to start my tank over again and I don't want to be introducing new small fish with this big guy in the tank with them. Oh, it's at least 7 years old.
  13. http://memimage.cardomain.net/member_images/5/web/605000-605999/605937_20_full.jpg http://www.imagestation.com/picture/sraid69/p87926555415e8c685ec624894d6943af/fbac96af.jpg http://memimage.cardomain.net/member_images/3/web/2895000-2895999/2895871_5_full.jpg
  14. And how exactly are we? Our economy is in the shitter, the housing market has completely dried up, jobs are being shipped overseas, and we're entangled in a war overseas that is incapable of being won in the foreseeable future. Furthermore this war is being funded by our debt that is being mostly bought by foreign investment from countries such as china. Asian countries currently own around 80% of our debt and they're buying it by taking cash out of their own economies, therefore making their money stronger as the dollar falls to an all-time low. I could go on but it depresses me, if you feel that this is an America that YOU want to live in then by all means seek help my friend.
  15. turbomark

    I feel old

    Everyone in this thread is right and wrong at the same time. Yes todays music blows more cock than dat woman u love 2 hate. However, how good was the music you liked when you were 13? Granted when I was 13 I liked some pretty classic stuff, 311, no doubt, stp, bush, some rap stuff including dre, biggie, and wu-tang. All the bible thumpers in here need to realize that we live in the most conservative free country in the world, have any of you ever been overseas? I guess the rest of the world believes in parenting more so than just trust that the media is going to do a good job of raising your children. And as much as I want to gag when I see two men kissing on tv any one of you can drive through columbus in the right place at the right time and see it in person. ps: I dvr all the american gladiator's on espn classic
  16. You could always use an aftermarket amp using speaker level input and just run regular speakers.
  17. I have the exact same issues.
  18. The thing is that bose car audio systems usually run as a 1 or 2 ohm system making it quite difficult to replace them by themselves without replacing the head unit as well as the amp. It's basically an all or nothing deal. If you can figure out the resistance of the stock speakers then you can attempt to find a set that matches them and replace them with that, but that's going to be tough in a 4 ohm world.
  19. turbomark

    Local BEER

    Cbc's 90 schilling passes for a fairly respectable red ale. I have heard real good things about Hoster's on high street, but I haven't been there so can't really say much about them There really isn't much of a local brew scene here in columbus. Cleveland outdoes us by a good extent with Great Lakes stuff.
  20. Portal is ridiculously addictive and team fortress rocks on xbox live. Oh and half life isn't too bad either.
  21. turbomark

    Beard much?

    If growing a beard is a measure of manliness I fail miserably. I've seriously been carded for r-rated movies within the past year.
  22. Black s14's ftw. I'd like to check out your swap sometime as i'm still trying to determine whether or not I want to boost my ka, go with an rb25, or go all out with a 2jz.
  23. It is my honest opinion that there isn't a single person on here who I'd be interested in reading more than a couple of paragraphs from, especially this cougar kid. If it can't be said in a couple paragraphs then you're obviously trying way to hard to argue your point and you're more than likely misguided in your opinion anyways.
  24. Just be glad they don't have to pay you... if you overcharge them 5 cents you'd never hear the end of it.
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