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Everything posted by turbomark

  1. Dirttrack cars welcome!We dynod our first late model chSSIS Car today(11/7/07),it worked great!If you want to know how much power your putting to the ground ,or to do some tunning,give us a call! tuning, not tunning... don't mean to crap on your website but I guarantee you'll get more business if you exercise proper spelling. (it just looks better on your behalf)
  2. I hate you all... I'm still trying to crack open the panties on my gf....
  3. I worked at columbus fish market in grandview... excellent money... hated everyone I worked with. Every restaurant is different though... a couple of my friends worked at martinis polaris and loved it, one of my real good friends is the bar manager/supervisor for cams catering. I however was done REAL dirty by fish market, I was blamed for something I didn't do and was basically fired because they needed to make room for more "career" type servers.
  4. I believe that I have a buyer... I'll let the rest of you know if it falls through.
  5. If you have anything to tune off of, egt, wideband o2, etc. Then anyone with a pulse can tune an safc. If you can't then you probably shouldn't own one yourself. See a professional.
  6. I have a 60' LG, it was a pretty penny... but if i'm going to be paying 30k for a damn tv i'm building a home theater instead.
  7. zelda and wii sports. Excellent condition, I think I have the box but as of right now I'm not sure where it is at.
  8. If you're out by Muirfield Burgundy room is excellent, along with Burger King
  9. I have a Nintendo Wii with 2 wimotes, 1 nunchuck, zelda and wii sports. I'd like to trade for an xbox 360. If anyone is interested let me know. or buy everything outright for 250.
  10. I'm beating up my roommate tonight... He caused all this, no Texas fan should have been allowed at this game. I'm going to light my own couch on fire.
  11. It's a salaried sales position, yearly bonuses but not commission. I am going to talk with them further on Monday to find out the specific salary for the region, but I'm assuming it's going to be for more than 40k especially since 40k was the amount they were offering for the Cleveland position before it was filled.
  12. As I understand it now 40k is the base salary nationwide, but the salary changes commensurate to location. Gotta wait til monday to find out.
  13. The big thing is that if I get the job I could eventually transfer back to cbus with the same salary/benefits. I could also get the job in boston or nyc, however I don't think either of those would be much better.
  14. It's a sales job, I'm not quite sure what the region I'd be assigned to is, but I won't be spending much time at a central office.
  15. yea... thats what I've been worrying about. But I might do it, at least until the position opens up back in Columbus and I can move back here.
  16. The offer that is on the table is 40k plus company car w/gas card, full benefits etc. 5k sign on bonus.
  17. I don't ever want to see that... ever... ever.
  18. I'm contemplating a move to DC for a career. However, I do not know a whole lot about the area other than from when I visited a friend there for the weekend. What are the good neighborhoods to look at, I will generally be considering something out of the dc metro area, more looking at maryland/virginia suburbs. But I don't want to be too far away as I know traffic is a pita. If anyone here has ever lived there how did you like it? Are there any web forums similar to this one for the area?
  19. Probably have to go to the website itself and fill out a form, more than likely you'll be renting space on which you'll set up your own display.
  20. depends on how hard you push the pedal
  21. You'd be surprised at how little amps have evolved over the past 20 years. A quality amp back then will probably still compete with quality new amps. A lot of amp companies have gone downhill even.
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