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Everything posted by DOZZER


    4/25 QS&L

    If it doesn't rain I'll be out.
  2. http://i130.photobucket.com/albums/p255/Naiboss/Cake_sm.jpg Happy birthday... Baked you a cake enjoy
  3. You can hook at the Knights Inn on 161 by 71......
  4. Mendy had one at her old house and it worked great. The gas bill was pretty cheap as well.
  5. If I remember right it they have cast pistons and only put out around 220 horse at the fly wheel. I have some inexpensive parts sitting around that can make it a 10 second motor with some spray.
  6. It's pretty fucked...... Trust me if it was worth it Kevin would have had it fixed by now.
  7. They press in........ not bolt in

    1999 Cobra

    Sell the banana... Then buy it... Then you can finally go fast j/k...
  9. Sorry they don't allow nude pics on myspace....
  10. What channel is it on. I have got to see this.
  11. I think that was the third one he has done that was black. I helped him on another black one over two years ago and a yellow one last year.
  12. This is getting to drawn out. I personally know of another black tt Z06 here in Columbus that was built a year before the Doc's. I know this because I have worked on it. If it is the same car it had a stock engine. The owner didn't want to pony up the cash for a new engine. /thread
  13. This is why Capital Towing is the only one I use.
  14. On the larger twin kit you have to clearence the frame. Even the installation instructions state that.
  15. Pm the info on the truck, i.e. make, model, 4x4 or 2x4, auto or stick
  16. http://i225.photobucket.com/albums/dd186/Tahngarth1/New%20Pix%204/6b23.jpg I'd hit it......
  17. DOZZER

    QSL 2Nite...

    Not true. I was ther for a bit. Saw a few cars and two guys standing out side a Blazer..
  18. Well sir....... I would have to buy you a beer for that and shake your hand.
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