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Everything posted by DOZZER

  1. http://i97.photobucket.com/albums/l236/wonkalumps/Deliverance/13747e8a5fec893f.gif http://i97.photobucket.com/albums/l236/wonkalumps/Deliverance/13747e8a5fecd75e.gif / thread
  2. http://i244.photobucket.com/albums/gg39/Jmponch/demotivationalqy1.jpg
  3. This guy just needs to chop his dick off, french kiss a 12 gauge and get it over with...
  4. I don't think he had anything to do with it.
  5. 11.19 et 119 mph 1.55 60' All throttle and no bottle. Still a lot of bugs to work out of the new motor.
  6. http://i197.photobucket.com/albums/aa139/jamielynuw/gay_pirate_.jpg
  7. http://i284.photobucket.com/albums/ll15/D4RKSNIPER/ProjectFUeLFinal1asmall.jpg My favorite Camaro body style....
  8. http://i157.photobucket.com/albums/t77/donut91/mustang.jpg By far the best Mustang body style....
  9. I agree he should of not have been shot over egg throwing.... but I think there is a lot more to this than that to provoke a shooting.
  10. DOZZER

    labor day bash (ODRA)

    I'll try to make it out....
  11. DOZZER

    New project

    Tried to call you last evening to bring him over but you didn't answer your phone fucker.
  12. DOZZER

    New project

    True and that was a nice camaro... but this thing is over 30 years older than your camaro.... A lot of it is surface.
  13. DOZZER

    New project

    Okay.. I guess I'll buy a vette because no one has one of those:jerkit:
  14. DOZZER

    New project

    http://www.karkraft.com/671%20Engine%20013.jpg Thought about putting one of these in but a 5.4 dohc not a 4.6.
  15. DOZZER

    New project

    Not anymore. Lost them in a house fire in 95.
  16. DOZZER

    New project

    Trust me I have been hounding his ass. I'll send you his number.
  17. http://i114.photobucket.com/albums/n247/BDOZZER/08-07-08_1922.jpg http://i114.photobucket.com/albums/n247/BDOZZER/08-07-08_1923.jpg http://i114.photobucket.com/albums/n247/BDOZZER/08-07-08_1924.jpg http://i114.photobucket.com/albums/n247/BDOZZER/08-07-08_1925.jpg It is an original 33 three window ford coupe. My dad used to race it in the 60's. I just got it home. I am trying to decide what direction to head with it. It does need a lot of work but I have a lot of options.
  18. We know..... It's a girls car..... lol :grin2:
  19. I'm angry... I have to do tire invintory that day.
  20. I did.. It was a pretty good time and I would go again.
  21. A private owner. It is sitting at his house.
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