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Everything posted by shittygsxr

  1. I would be really concerned when these training exercises are at night and you dont hear them
  2. Since you have a live in girlfriend it doesn't matter.
  3. Did Decook end up back in Kansas City or will he be there tomorrow?
  4. "Find the enemy that wants to end this experiment (in American democracy) and kill every one of them until they’re so sick of the killing that they leave us and our freedoms intact." Gen Mattis
  5. I think he is referring to the exploitation of the players and how revenues generated by the players should be reinvested into the university and its facilities. Thereby creating a better learning environment rather than a couple of high paid persons skimming it all off the top.
  6. Actually your analogy would be more correct if the dealer wanted 20K and you didn't want to buy a god damn car
  7. the friendly toast restaurant in Portsmith has delicious pancakes.
  8. That is part of the cost analysis it's all gray when you talk about public finance
  9. If you look at the strong correlation between crime and temperature, we can conclude that controlling microclimates(residential units) people would just sit in their house rather than go outside and get in trouble. Hopefully I can get grant money and use this for my graduate thesis
  10. Today a coworker and I came up with a one point plan to end crime. Government provided air conditioners! Please discuss, I believe this to be a foolproof plan.
  11. A gun rack... a gun rack. I don't even own *a* gun, let alone many guns that would necessitate an entire rack. What am I gonna do with a gun rack?
  12. The closest thing we have to that now is Mexicans. Can we hire them to revolt for us?
  13. So 102,329 seats times ticket price should give you a ballpark (there are discounted student tickets but private boxes probably offsets most of that) there are a lot of parked cars. Sodexo, the vendor pays to be there. The ushers/ redcoats are volunteers. I believe a large part of urban Meyers salary is covered by Nike but that is just gray accounting.
  14. I did some math back in 2010 and I found that it took 11000+ students full tuition to pay the top 250 employees salary and benefit packages. That figure did not cover any deferred comp packages either as the information is not as readily available. So it takes 20% of the students tuition to cover 1% of the employees. I fear this has become an even more lopsided issue in the last two years.
  15. It could be a switch on the back if its digital
  16. shittygsxr

    1999 BMW 740i

    I just looked it up. The cost of repair to ballerness ratio makes it an inexpensive car. If it was a 750 then the price would be a bit closer
  17. Stats have a variance that can be adjusted for example set at 70 it might turn on at 68 and warm to 72 before shutting off. The variance can be set from +- 2 to +-5
  18. shittygsxr

    1999 BMW 740i

    Prices on used cars go up around tax return time.
  19. shittygsxr

    1999 BMW 740i

    Average at dealer auction is $2200 with avg miles of 98k. Since you are not a dealer and miles are lower 4-5 is where I would try to be. Unless it is an exceptionally well maintained vehicle or has newer tires and brakes.
  20. shittygsxr

    1999 BMW 740i

    Price is way to high.
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