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Everything posted by shittygsxr

  1. there are tutorials on how to use a relay to turn on the light after the bike is already started (most new models do this already). Although HID's use less wattage to produce more light they have a high initial current draw and they dont like to be turned on and off frequently.
  2. someone once said "finding a girl is like finding a parking place, all of the good ones are taken and the rest are all handicapt" I guess the ladies could apply this to men also. Hmmm I am a good one and I am taken, and all of my single friends suck so maybe it is true....
  3. is that your sig on gdc also? Yeah I read that youngstown thread too and I laughed my ass off when I saw it
  4. that is pretty funny:lol:
  5. is it the full system? that is a titanium midpipe right?
  6. John you coming to work today? I think I am going to leave early, since I just got back from vacation and need to ease back into the work routine. I like donuts <- now it is not a threadjack
  7. I have a gsxr that is not in the best condition
  8. I had my work clothes stuffed in my jacket, sorry bout that
  9. this is really embarrasing to say but I was riding our gsxr to work the other day and had to wear kristens pink helmet because I left mine at work. I am glad you guys find me so sexy.
  10. I own stock in foreign companies:p who do you believe the major shareholders of HD company are? The american economy sees the most benefit when they are built here, because the average joe lives paycheck to paycheck. The few wealthy large stake holders are not spending their money at local bars, stores, ect
  11. I wouldnt take my girlfriend out on my bike so she went and bought her own
  12. If you are moving from DC the columbus "traffic" will feel like nothing. If you like your space Blacklick would be a good choice. Otherwise worthington is great, alot of thier neighborhoods are pretty much crime free, they are not cookie cutter subdivisions, so there is some nice affordable housing. My girlfriend's (GSXRnurse) mother is a mortagage broker and has been working in columbus for 20+ years so she knows her shit and could hook you up with a very knowledgable agent to show you around. Westerville is ok most of it, unless near otterbein, is brand new subdivisions that look exactely the same as every other house. Because of the current high inventory of new homes for sale, do not move there if you plan on selling in the next few years as it is very likely that you would take a very small gain or even a loss.
  13. Good thing I have a 42" monitor, but that bike sounds like fun
  14. I think doughnuts are free when you are on duty, with the amount of money that financial institutions make off of currency trade you would have some powerfull people against it. Then there is the matter of deciding on a set rate to convert your current currency good luck with that.
  15. wow ladies just go to the dmv and take the test. If you can't pass it then sell your bike
  16. I think he got ripped off on every part that he ever bought for that bike and 12k for a 750 he must suck at negotiating
  17. I am pretty sure you have all the time in the world youngin' I bet you would be happy to have a friend for the day
  18. When you can just choose to be gay or straight then I will believe that they can too. Just spend ten minutes in the closet with flounder then I will be convinced that it is possible to choose gay or straight:lol: That goes for any of you other fag haters just suck a dick then I will believe that it is a choice and that all gays could be straight if they wanted to.
  19. Maybe some of you guys could form a gang and go "fag bashing" in the short north, that will teach those queers not to be gay. Then you could teach them about jesus christ
  20. I guess that means that I get a new bike thanks r1crusher
  21. Wow so of you guys need to get out more, there are cultures that seek inner peace and focus all of their efforts on bettering themselves. They realize what is good for them may not be right for others. I have seen it first hand and it was really refreshing to see that the entire world is not fucked up. I support anything that brings us closer to that. I for one dont get boners from man ass but if that is your thing then have at it.
  22. shittygsxr

    Qs&l 04-09-08

    I hope this rain stops it is depressing me.
  23. Dont forget that you then have the stock parts also to sell or keep for backup. Labor is cheap, unless you are buying really fancy beer and pizza, and still then not much at all.
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