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Everything posted by shittygsxr

  1. those are some nice looking red x's
  2. shit he can get here from dayton in about 20 minutes on that thing, so there is no need to meet half way.
  3. we met up with him right after we left, whooopps
  4. yes cleveland does suck that bad, you need to ride south
  5. we would need more than a weekend to ride up there for breakfast
  6. as long as you have insurance, unlike the mexican guy, run me the fuck over. I just have to decide which bike I want smashed
  7. shittygsxr


    woo hoo. Welcome man
  8. good thing you only bought a one way ticket this time.. Kristen and I wanted to buy tickets to come up there again so we could eat breakfast at the friendly toast
  9. damn I forgot to grab a sticker, maybe it would have given me the extra horse power that I needed
  10. If that was your first one then at least it is out of the way. Glad you are okay and it could happen to anyone. Once you have the first accident you feel a bit more free, all of the pressure goes away. After getting hit by a car a couple years ago I though "hey that wasnt so bad" and got hit by a car again just about three weeks later
  11. Somehow I got sunburn it was nice putting faces with screen names but some of you guys look better behind you computer than you do in person:p
  12. unfortunately my bushes are big enough to hide you, but we can figure something out.
  13. I think it would send a message to the higher ups. It is a durbahn part so I am really getting impatient. Everyday is like christmas you get all excited for new toys and then bitch ass santa doesnt bring you anything
  14. Yes we get to see her ass that is if the girlfriend lets me look.
  15. that is why all of you SOB's have a high post count. From now on there should be a minimum post length for it to add to your post count. That is all
  16. I odered some very tasty carbon fiber pieces from germany on march 2nd and they shipped out on march 17th. They are still not here, I really want to fight the mailman, actually I want to jump him and fuck him up big time. That son of a bitch is always cheerfull WTF is he so happy about? I'll tell you why because he knows that they lost my box and he is a cocky little bastard, my misery makes him happy. On a side note I want to fight the UPS guy too. He took a package off of my doorstep a couple of months ago when he did a "pickup" and grabbed the wrong box. Sent my shit to florida and when I got it weeks later the helmet was scuffed up.
  17. give it time, it sounds like verticle scope has deep pockets.
  18. Im still working on it, it usually only takes a couple of minutes.
  19. I got the email about flounder being a homo but nothing about a raffle
  20. every forum looks just like the others it is retarded, the "community" that used to make each one unique is fading from most of them and the bs site sponsors have no repor with the members
  21. I am super duper excited, like really
  22. there is a hole in the wall called springers on 161 and tamarack. I dont know there hours for happy hour but they have some half priced stuff (pizza puffs are excelent). Around 4-7 the crowd is some regulars (drunks) but as it gets later you get a couple wanna be gangstas but I have never had a problem there
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