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Everything posted by shittygsxr

  1. my cousin got fucked up in iraq and has had countless skin graphs. She probably has a nasty scar on her thigh or ass, because that skin graph has to come from somewere.
  2. sometimes I give gsxrnurse the golden shower so i guess it is not so bad
  3. Id still hit it but only if she was wearing socks..
  4. I think the next size up is "fat head made by bell" but here is a link to some info about big heads and measurements http://www.webbikeworld.com/motorcycle-helmets/extra-large-motorcycle-helmets.htm
  5. I always thought they should sell raffle ticket to see who gets to "throw the switch" and give the money to the victims family of (insert good cause here) oh well I put them to work making roads or some shit, we might as well get our moneys worth out of them
  6. Guess you have never been through this process before I got paid for my bike promptly, but not enough, and the rest of the money took almost two years....
  7. you need to get yourself to the doctor. Their insurance company is going to screw you on the value of the bike so might as well get something back. I have been there and done that, once by an insured driver and once an uninsured.
  8. I havent gotten pedro his stuff back yet I have been slacking.
  9. your wife is going to kick your ass :lol:
  10. I am almost finished with all of your parts. I just need to put on a second coat and assemble everything but here is a teaser pic for all of you
  11. inya congrats on the trailer. you need to bring it down this way and let r1crusher tag along too. I can provide a place for the two of you crash and then we can head down south
  12. if its a plastic lens either toothpaste or 3m swirl remover and a rag. toothpaste has a very mild abrasive and works pretty well, alot of people use it on the plastic on their gauges
  13. I think the solidworks is a couple of gig. I have to double check, if I can fit it on my flashdrive I will let you just borrow it.
  14. if you get a template or something to work with I can make it up in solidworks
  15. Flounder maybe we can CNC you some brackets to mover your rearsets up and back.
  16. I'll just watch the news when you get back from brazil and see how man dead tranys they find... Hopefully GSXRNurse and I will get to go somewhere fun this year. I have'nt had a vacation in forever
  17. If you go by yourself there are no "witnesses" I wonder how many romanian prostitutes Flounder buried over there. One day someone is going to uncover a mass grave of teenage boys and nobody will be able to tell on Flounder
  18. maybe spies can borrow tom cruise's bike
  19. I guess I need to get some tickets to the indy race then..
  20. I love the 12 oclock bars on some of them bad boys. I saw a lot of tricked out scooters in asia.
  21. Yes it is a bigger problem here than it is there because they chose Columbus to settle not Cleveland and that is why you havent heard about it.
  22. I will call them political refugees and so will the Community Refugee and Immigration Services of columbus http://www.cris-ohio.com/ our government gives them interest free transportation loans that are hardly repaid just to come here I am not saying they are all criminals but per capita they do commit more crimes than american citizens and per capita have higher disease rates. Yes they are causing lots of people discomfort, from increased theft and the lack of insurance of somali drivers. Maybe everyone should move, good suggestion
  23. huh? I am not making up the fact that columbus has 40,000+ "political refugees" living here from somolia and I am not making up the fact that some of them are commiting fraud and costing US taxpayers millions. Do you have any other point other than there are bigger problems in this country? As far as you comment "look a little closer to home" I cant get any closer there are hundreds of somalie "political refugees" within a couple blocks of my home. Maybe I am imagining them too
  24. Somali refugees began arriving in the United States and Columbus became a popular destination. Ohio now has the second largest Somali population in the nation. It is estimated that 40,000 Somali refugees call Columbus home and more are expected in the future. Even in Somali, Columbus, Ohio has become well-known. In 2000 the Somali Community Association of Ohio began providing assistance to hundreds of these new refugees and immigrants. Men, women, young adults and school children walk through our doors every day searching for community services. do you think that the fact that we open our doors to these people and let them live here legally has anything to do with our involvment in their countries matters? If you need help making that decision read up about dearborn michigan. Shortly after "desert storm" we had people from Iraq moving here by the thousands.
  25. I would definately beat her with the nightstick if you know what i mean;) maybe a mushroom stamp on her forehead would clear things up:grin:
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