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Everything posted by shittygsxr

  1. Actually I work for the courts if you PM me your info I will double check and clear everything up for you.
  2. I would have busted out the cuffs
  3. Wasnt there some movie called "Blackhawk Down" that address some of the US involvement over there?? Was there a war going on there? Did we have any military operations there? So we had 20,000+ troops there and had military operations there and we didnt "get in the middle" of there war? You believe what you want but I believe the US needs to keep its nose out of other peoples business.
  4. Let me call everyones attemtion to the fact that it took three years for someone to notice that they were only claiming half of the money that they took in from WIC.
  5. This is why we should NEVER again set foot on anyother countries soil. When we get involved in another countries war we get the luxury of political refugees. Eight Somali store operators charged in food-stamp fraud - Eight men who ran four area food markets are accused of abusing federal food programs for the needy at a cost to taxpayers of more than $1.5 million, newly unsealed charges allege. Federal officials announced the indictments and arrests yesterday, though six of the eight men were indicted on Jan. 10 and arrested Friday. The indictments say that the owners and managers of two stores on the North Side and two on the West Side allowed their customers to use food stamps and WIC vouchers illegally. They permitted, authorities say, the exchange of the stamps and vouchers for cash and allowed people to use them to buy prepaid international phone cards and to pay off personal loans. In some cases, the money also was laundered through U.S. bank accounts and wasn’t disclosed on tax returns, said IRS spokesman Craig Casserly. All eight of the men indicted are Somali immigrants who were in the country legally but are not U.S. citizens. The stores involved included City Dollar Store, 3350 Cleveland Ave.; Ohio Grocery and Halal Meats, 2815 Cleveland Ave.; Marwaas Market, 4181 W. Broad St.; and Muna Market, 3770 W. Broad St. All of the stores catered to the Somali community, said Fred Alverson, spokesman for the U.S. district attorney’s office. All four stores closed during the investigations; three have since reopened under new ownership. The Marwaas Market location now operates as the Margherita Market. The Ohio Grocery and Halal Meats location is now the Salama Market. City Dollar’s new owner uses the same name. During the investigation, undercover officers went into the stores and were given money for food stamps, the charges state. The indictments do not clarify if the person was given an equal amount in cash, or whether the store charged a fee for the transaction. The indictments show that the stores had a high percentage of food-stamp transactions. For example, City Dollar Store showed it had $1.8 million in tax-exempt sales from January 2003 to August 2006. During that same time, the store claimed twice that amount -- $3.4 million -- in food stamp purchases. Those arrested are: Khalif Mohamed Abukar, whose age is unknown; Zeidi Said Omar, 44; Saidi Kadi Sheikuna, 36; Ali Ahmed Said, 36; Abdulhakim Said Abukar, 35; and Shuceeb Geedi, 50. Their addresses weren’t available and none could be reached for comment. The six named have been allowed to remain free as their cases go through court
  6. If you really want to have fun go to the grocery store at the beginning of the month. It is amazing to see so many well dressed people with shopping carts stacked so high paying with wic / foodstamps or whatever they are called. I wish I could afford to eat as much steak as our "less fortunate citizens"
  7. shittygsxr

    New guy

    Any friend of Jerm's is probably a piece of crap but we will give you a chance anyways;)
  8. damn !! I got dibs on the $20 then, with my pic on there it will be the most popular currency
  9. wright state wrong school? Its a hell of a commute but welcome aboard! you got the job!!
  10. I feel ya, It wasnt long ago that I was a student, and if I had me for a boss life would have been a bit easier. I am pretty easy going on my student workers and its cool to get paid between classes and what not
  11. I think 99% of people have their priorities way wrong. I just thought I would offer, believe it or not we have a stack of applications from students that need jobs a couple inches thick.
  12. Unfortunatly we have to hire students that way we dont have to give them any benefits. umm i mean so that they have money for expenses yeah thats it
  13. bump for me who wants an easy student job?????
  14. that might have been added after his post, but with him you never know
  15. shittygsxr


    the best part about that is you get to eat the popsicle too
  16. during the day anytime between 7:30 and 5pm
  17. Hey I need an OSU student who wants a job, pay is about $8 hr. I would need person to work about 12 hours a week preferable 3 days with 4 hour shifts. My building is on west campus so parking would be easy, job would include keeping dock clean, stacking some pallets and running a floor scrubber. This job is not hard at all and if you were interested you could stop by and I would show you what you need to do.
  18. sounds like a nice tank, why not just source out a cheap fuel cell first to make sure everything works well first. I heard the smell from the exhaust is delicious. Keep us updated on your progress, maybe I can find a diesel VW and do the same
  19. Like todd said a P/E raio of 40:1 is not that great and as far as different gas prices are concerned most gas stations are franchises so the two speedways next door to each other are owned by two different people. When I lived in michigan I knew some gas station owners and if they had a good convienence store they would sell their gas at cost or below and make huge profits on the store itself. The most fucked up part is exxon makes less than the gov't on each gallon and they do all the work. Again remember that exxon is a world wide company and there are several countries going through an industrial revolution which means their citizens are being able to buy cars and motorbikes so the consumption is up. We went to the detroit car show two weeks ago and all every manufacturer was excited about was their 100-200mpg cars, and all I could think was why the fuck dont you make them then?
  20. There are a couple of additional factors in your equation that you left out such as tax deductions for the interest you pay, and the money you save from not living somewhere else. You definately have your point and it is very valid. If I had 200k to invest, a home would not be my first choice it would actually be my last. A home is the uneducated mans savings account, because the same man living in a cheap apartment would invest the savings in beer not the stock market. The same way people overpay there taxes every paycheck and then go all apeshit when they get a big return. There checks could have been $100 higher and set up an automatic investment account using sharebuilder.com or similar and actually earned a return rather than letting the gov't hold the money interest free. The only people who truely get rich off of real estate investing are the banks
  21. Its cool I have more than my fair share of "downtime" at work
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