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Everything posted by shittygsxr

  1. well flounder and his ole lady, I forget her screen name on here because she never logs in, stopped by and had a couple of beers. We left right after he broke a table <- I will let him tell the story but I was laughing my ass off
  2. why is the economy failing? because loan defaults are very high, so not paying bills is where the problem started. So why would apying bills not help?
  3. late notice but whoever is online obviously has nothing to do , but we are having drinks at marshalls in grandview if anyone wants to stop by
  4. I'll let you smell my......... wait that is gross
  5. any one want to guess how much they will be listed on ebay for in the next couple days?
  6. Today GSXRNurse graduates from college.... Again.... After 13 months of full time school, 40 hours a week, plus studing she is receiving her second bachelors degree. Why am I so happy? Because she hasnt been able to work for more than a year and my bank account is not where I would like it to be, but now we will have two incomes. I really think I deserve a nice present for putting up with stressed out GSXRNurse for so long. Tonight it is :cheers::cheers: then
  7. geez that is so nasty/funny..
  8. the pics of the actual garage are on page 6 of the link you posted. Go through all of the pages I think he has well over 45 bikes and there are still more bikes that he hasnt had a chance to photo yet. When I went through the thread the first time there were only 6 pages but it is up to 9 now.
  9. that is a killer garage!!! I saw a link to it a couple of days ago on another forum, it is really circulating the internet
  10. Correct it seems that way... Welcome to Jamie:D
  11. I have driven through Illinois, Iowa, nebraska and it is hard to imagine that there would be a corn shortage. There are literally hundreds of miles of nothing but corn, and doesnt out government give subsidies to farmers to artificially keep the corn price high enough for them to stay in business?
  12. They were saying that no "recreational" or illegal drugs were found. There are several new stories out in the last couple of hours that talk about it.
  13. Im going to invest my rebate check in GBP
  14. Police say that Mr Ledger was been found surrounded by as many as six prescription drugs - including pills to treat insomnia and anxiety and an antihistamine The New York Medical Examiner’s office, meanwhile, says initial autopsy tests on Ledger’s body have proved inconclusive, warning that it may be 10 days or longer before full toxicology results are available The Autopsy was inconclusive because it takes more time for the toxicology results.
  15. with pill bottles around you... Maybe columbo will solve the case
  16. a national sales tax would be awesome. Get taxed on the money you blow and get to keep the money you save/invest
  17. From the article The pair remained on good terms and on 30 May she picked him up from a party in Crosby and went back for drinks with friends at Mr Jones's house. :lol: oh wait they meant the guy and his ex, I thought...... well nevermind
  18. When I was in asia I saw a guy towing a jet ski with a 125cc scooter Benyen check your PM's
  19. I am more white than snow, except the 3/128 american indian. I trust Putty enough to be in my home, so I will trust enough when he says how he feels about a topic. I have been the minority before, I have lived in or around chicago, detroit, cleveland and columbus. If you really want to talk about how black people should feel, there are some neighborhoods in Detroit I would love for you to visit I guarantee you will be sweating bullets.
  20. There are a lot of things that are illegal and they still happen that is why we have prisons. I have taken the time to speak to several "older" people and the way they talk and there feelings about "blacks" doesnt coorelate with your insight. Ohio isnt known for being forward thinking. Believe it or not the rest of the country views ohio as a bunch of hicks. I still see couples of different ethnicities getting dirty looks. The fact is your not black so you really dont know how they feel.
  21. I did a paper on outerspace once but that doesnt make me an astronaut. If your highschool papers were anything like the other 99.9% of high school papers then it probably wasnt the best piece of literature ever.
  22. Remember when you were not alive 40 years ago so you really can make that comment with any certainty.
  23. I think you are assinated when a couple of things happen. First you have to be worth killing and second it has to be done from a distance with a nice rifle. Next, who doesnt like white prostitutes? If I had the means I would definately get two or three of them, when I was in asia it was every white mans dream as they all had two or three asians prostitutes with them. Everyone that I ever went to school with liked to copy a line or two from different books or articles. Seeing that plagarism is done in todays day in age when you can get every book or article ever written on a subject on the internet, it seems that it would have been a more common practice back then. I have family that has been in trouble with the law before, so does that make me a criminal? I never met the guy (Dr. King) so I will not pass judgement on him, but we all have skeletons in our closets
  24. she wasnt hitting BP on those wheelies
  25. well i get the day off of work so dont go fucking up my holiday and if someone does mess up this national holiday I hope they can "resplit" lincoln and washington's birthdays
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