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Everything posted by shittygsxr

  1. Sounds reasonable to me, from some of the other posts I thought you were still negotiating with them. I order a couple of parts from them occasionally $5 or $10 but I wont buy a bike from them mostly because of Kurt
  2. correct me if im wrong but I believe they also said that the can pull 3 lateral g's
  3. I thought you said you were currently dealing with them? Do you always have to act this way? I was just saying get what you can out of them then bash them. I dont think there is any more clear way to say it. well good luck
  4. How did I get brought into this? I leave town for one day and this is what happens
  5. I would put strychnine in the guacamole please dont take this the wrong way! In most circumstances timing is everything, and the timing of this thread is not right. I would ask Satan to temperarly pull it. You give people a chance to "make things right" to save themselves from bad publicity, but you have already bashed them (yes they are deserving). Knowing the type of guy Kurt is the whole comment about letting them be able to still walk will not motivate him to be more generous. Hopefully nobody from MOC is on this board. Wait for them to hook you up them bash the hell out of them.
  6. yeah............. I dont think I will be working in the medical field anytime soon.
  7. they tried to charge me more for a used bike than a new one would have cost, but besides that little issue they have been alright. I actually had a pocket full of cash and would have bought it if they werent trying to screw me. There "new" general manager(dude from florida) does seem a bit aggressive and I could definately see your situation happening
  8. If we lost Toledo what would the new STD capital of OHIO be?
  9. Anything in particular that you want a couple of pics of? See I even take requests
  10. I thought they were MRE's, either way I always thought they were delicious when my brother bought them home. Maybe he should be send a small tube of KY to go with the the porn
  11. If I liked you I would definately be there:D we will be in detroit for the auto show
  12. I think we have gotten at least a dozen members from gixxer.com
  13. modmyifone.com <- without this site the iphone is barely worth having. I have had my phone cracked since the day I got it and it is more fun.
  14. I agree with alot that you said. I bet you would exercise your right to punch someone in the face when they come over here from "insert random country" and call you fat and stupid. I would then exercise my right to congradulate you
  15. Wow this came back from the dead, but I have never met so many diehard fans that have absolutely nothing to do with the university.
  16. dude I dont care who you like or dislike. I dont care what you say in your home or too your friends. Everyone here has freedom of speech but they also forget that others have the freedom to get offended. 420 I wasnt trying to be a dick to you. I call flounder gay all of the time and well..... ok bad example, but anyways I dont think you should get worked up about it.
  17. they are great at advertising but they do make an intuitive product. I have had phones and gadgets that I owned and could even use half of the features, but anyone can pick up an ipod or iphone and within a couple of minutes have the whole thing figured out
  18. I guess I cant argue with that, you must have one hell of education.
  19. ouch good luck with the rehab..
  20. congrats on being a racist
  21. I am not going to go into a rant but would like to share a little story. An old roommate of mine was too lazy to change his address with his bank when he moved out over a year ago. About two months ago he got notices from the bank saying he overdrafted his account, about a month later and several notices later he got two pieces of mail from the same bank on the same day. The first piece of mail said that his account was being sent to collections and the second was for a platinum card. I found it rather funny and wondered how much money was spent in this country on junk mail and the postage that goes with it
  22. i have been having severe lag issues over there, but this has been a long day for me with the "middle of the day" upgrades.
  23. I think shipping it is the easy part, registering it is the tricky part. Go to a skyline website, as there are several importers of them.
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