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Everything posted by shittygsxr

  1. congrats on the new house!! how bout a kerosene heater?
  2. the attention to detail is great!!! There are even little peanuts in the icon
  3. I think it is called combat pay, but I have already had one family member hurt really bad over there, there is nothing over there for you to risk your life over so be safe.
  4. I have seen that before and it is still funny. I think the fart sound might be added in though.
  5. next time you need to cheat on your taxes, that way everything evens out. I feel that the benefits you receive from the government should be directly proportional to the amout of taxes paid.
  6. hey her car is stick. I hope your internship was good and we will see you soon
  7. She actually read it and laughed. She is definately looking for a new ride in the near future its a sweet 99 accord 4 door. When are you coming back to columbus?
  8. we have an accord with your name on it!!! Kristen needs something nicer now that she is going to be some big shot nurse
  9. Yeah right no government agency works that fast..... dont you have innocent people to lock up
  10. arent you going to a wedding? If the US was more open minded gay marrage would be legal and you wouldnt need to fly to brazil. Either way I am sure you will have fun
  11. I dont plan on living in the US forever. I have been to differnet places and seen the other side, for me and the way I would like to live the grass is definately greener. I like to use the picnic analogy to get my point across. The US is like a picnic and everyone brings a side dish, well except one guy but its ok because it is his first picnic so we share because we have enough to go around. Well now ten people dont bring anything to the picnic and they all want to eat and even though there is not enough to eat they feel it is their right to fill thier belly. There is nobody that I have met on this site that would come to an ohio riders bbq and not bring something to share. So why would anybody think that they deserve free medical care, welfare, or a free college education? The only reason that I am still here is because Gsxrnurse needs to finish her education.
  12. Ahh gimme a break, I have five cars and three bikes to take "care" of. That stupid honda in the pic has way to much $$$ in it and all of these dumb shits with stupid ass spoilers and crooked exhausts ruined it for me. So there it will sit.
  13. I need to make a price list but it is kinda hard because the more I do at once the less expensive it will be. The main work is getting everything set up and heating up the oven How about Rearsets for $30 levers, rearsets and passenger pegs for $50 +$10 clipons +$5 rear sprocket +$5 for axle blocks +$5 for exhaust straps or muffler hangers They have to be fairly clean and I will disassemble, strip, powdercoat and reassemble them I am not going to screw with wheels this year because they are a pain, but I will upload a couple of pics of wheels I have done
  14. Hey all it is winter so I have some free time and I want to buy stuff. Some of you may know alread that I do some powdercoating and the rest of you know now. I have a small oven with inside dimensions of about 17 x 17 x 17. So if you need items done like rearsets, passenger pegs, levers, axle blocks, clipons or things of that nature shoot me a PM I have done work on flounders bike as well as gsxrnurses. I will upload a couple of pics when I get a chance. This is not my regular job so lead time will be a couple of days but you are not going anywhere anyways. This is a bad pic of gsxrnurses bike I powdercoated her rearsets, gas cap, levers, axle blocks, clipons, and other misc pieces
  15. Ill do a checkpoint too. how about a little sticker at each checkpoint put on a little sticker and then they are off.
  16. I put our bikes on the scale last week although they had slightly different amounts of fuel. 02 r1 404 lbs 06 gsxr 600 404 lbs <- topped off tank 04 gsxr 750 398 lbs <- pretty full So 418 with the turbo components is not bad
  17. Camera might equal evidence and a map would make it easy for cops to call ahead if they did get somebody. Maybe someone at a checkpoint could give verbal directions to the next spot or markers along the route. someone could even tag a couple of signs a few hours before
  18. I cant go flying because I am going shopping? are you going to carry her purse too?
  19. it is going to be a secret route up until the race that way the 5-0 dont know anything. For checkpoints you can make people stop at certain gas stations and buy gum so they have a "timestamp" on a receipt
  20. I guess we will have multiple camera angles to make a professional video.
  21. Nahh I am sure the cops will video it then we can watch it on prime time TV.
  22. Did this happen to you? http://www.sptimes.com/2005/02/22/State/Phone_call_from_jail_.shtml
  23. my bail is 10k why dont you pay that first Isnt mike larry the guy from the movie bad boys with will smith and martin lawrence
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