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Everything posted by shittygsxr

  1. hey thanks for the info. someone with some more info shoot me a PM. Kristen is doing clinicals in an ICU step down unit at Mount Carmel so she could check in on him for us. I'll try and see if the people at trademark and licensing have a couple of things I could donate to the auction
  2. ahhh veterans day. One of the many paid holidays state employees enjoy.
  3. I think only a couple of us on here are members there too. So you might have to post the picks here so everyone can see them
  4. I dont want a different nurse but one more couldnt hurt. what have you done to your bike since I saw it last?
  5. because he didnt want to use his beer money
  6. you should read all of the posts before you make comments. I guess it was late when you posted and all of the excitement with Dane Cook could get to anybody.
  7. I guess he has enough money to take good care of his very nice bike.
  8. Stevan is a smart guy so I am sure he will get it tuned again in in the spring/summer. I dont think most people have stevans budget and have to get the most out of thier $$$ so having it tuned with the same weather conditions as they normally ride is best for them. This post is not to take sides in your quarrel but to help some of the newer people understand
  9. Is there scoring on the crank? I have a runout gauge if you need it
  10. Next week is good. There are a couple of people on this board worth hanging out with. I'll pm you my number and I am available whenever. Is this the same girl as I met before or a new one?
  11. How are you doing with that engine? If you need to borrow some tools or need an extra set of hands let know?
  12. you still exist? Im gonna come up to lorain sometime soon and we need to have some beers.
  13. No, I just manage one. I can take the bike apart and have all the room I need, plus heat lighting and lift equipment
  14. have fun working on the bike in the cold. I have 100,000 sf available so I will use some and the carpet is so I dont get grease or any fluids staining the concrete.
  15. only the best for my bikes!! no cold garage for them
  16. the second pic is how it started out then became the first pic. Here is some more of his work
  17. shittygsxr


    I dont think anyone is going to mapquest the directions to where the illegal drag racing happens.
  18. shittygsxr


    because it gets cold when its dark and it will be darker earlier
  19. it started off as this a honda vfr 400!!! I met a guy in thailand that does this conversion including handmaking the fairings, fitting and painting them for less than a set of the shit fairings that we can get here
  20. How bout this for a starter bike?? Once someone figures out what it is I will tell the story behind it.
  21. "red is the new green" I think I like that. A buddy and I asked a cop for directions in a bad part of cincy, he said follow me, dont worry about the red lights, and escorted us out of the area with his lights on.
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