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Everything posted by shittygsxr

  1. happy birthday bitches hope you get some good stuff
  2. Nobody can be me and thats ok. I think he hoped that this forum would be different, its an easy mistake to make. Sooner or later arguements happen, its the nature of the beast. Satan you should give Cleaner the power to ban that way he could have banned ninja nick as soon as he knew it was him
  3. let them restrict them and see how long it takes companies to unrestrict them. Maybe insurance rates will go down too
  4. shittygsxr

    WOOT 4 Toledo

    slow down KY videos, should that be in the NWS section?
  5. Insert villain laugh here
  6. I think we will need a different name for our organization
  7. there is a lot of words in that post ^^^ I gonna have the old lady read it to me
  8. Or try EATKAC. Flounder was talking about it the other night, he said that they taught it during his hacker class
  9. Me too I dont know how the word got out
  10. which one of the chicks leaving you all the comments is your wife
  11. can I add some of you guys to my myspace page, that would be awesome
  12. really just one more post then you will be a member
  13. I just bought a sherlock holmes hat and pipe on ebay. What am I going to do with it now:confused:
  14. did you actually solve it or guess? Maybe we can team up for the good of mankind
  15. so the conspiracy goes even deeper. Cleaner is involved does it go all the way to satan? Do I win some sort of prize?
  16. looking at the evidence and user name I think I have solved the mystery. I am going to offer my detective services for hire.
  17. yep he was banned during the "honkie" thread, and I think him and dweezel were going back and forth.
  18. shittygsxr

    WOOT 4 Toledo

    good job guys!!!
  19. is this guy the reincarnation of Ninja Nick??
  20. I hope kawifan can hold his own. I keep seeing it as one of those Kimbo fights
  21. you bought it from one of the members here. He is a good guy.
  22. Nothin I actually spent my evening last night getting drunk with them. I was pretty late for work today too.
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