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Everything posted by shittygsxr

  1. no joke I can see it turning either way
  2. shittygsxr

    Qs&l 10-10-07

    If the weather is good i'll be there.
  3. just lock the thread the get together has already happened and everybody had a good time
  4. I have a fake ID that says Im 19 and a motorcycle. Everybody knows that motorcycles make college girls panties wet
  5. Aww thanks I cant wait to play cornhole tomorrow with all of the young innocent college girls
  6. In an earlier post I referenced my extremely important job and Flounder called BS so here is what I have completed and will debut tomorrow on the South Oval at OSU. Aww Son of a bitch it wont let me upload anything
  7. We are going to debut what may be the worlds largest corn hole. Well second to flounder
  8. dweezel - I am heading out of town friday night I think but "the old lady" has to be at the hospital until 7 then she needs to get home shower and whatnot. I have an extrememly important job at OSU but I may just leave early. I am going to be on campus for a good part of the day maybe you guys should try and stop down this way and see the ladies. Shoot me a PM with your number and I will see what we can do.
  9. Ok here is the fill in. I bought a stereo on ebay and the guy sent the wrong one but it was worth more than I paid. When I contacted him he said he was sending the correct one and that he would have UPS pick up the wrong one. At this point it is almost sounding reasonable however I am keeping what I have until the correct item arrives. So I check all of his auctions to see how it got mixed up, and there it is. He sold the same used stereo to three different people within a week. Same scratches, pics the whole nine yards. So the scam is sell one thing and send another have it picked up and you have signiture confirmations from each person so it makes disputes easier. Every scammer knows that they will get caught soon so they make as much as they can as quickly as possible. They just try and keep people hanging on as long as possible so it takes longer to get caught. So I still have a stereo, I will get some or all of my money back and he will be paying the shipping on cinderblocks to florida. So I come out ahead and dickhead gets screwed.
  10. I think it is threadjacked plenty Since GDC is down today maybe RJM should sign up here
  11. Flounder did you take off you warped ones yet? I can ship them to florida with the cinder blocks
  12. I think that the name infers that I have a gsxr that might not be in the best condition. Inbreeding hasnt killed anyone, we both turned out alright.
  13. I think I was hinting at the whole inbread thing. Less time in the gym and more in the classroom
  14. A lot of purebred dogs have hip issues too because of the inbreeding that goes on. I will have to keep an eye out for problems with Jackson, our dog, when he gets older
  15. That was me <- Plate guy. I dont need it back or anything I am just glad that it saved you from getting into any trouble.
  16. Even if this setup last him 1000 miles it would probably be 2 years before he puts that many miles on the bike. He has 14 or 15 bikes I think.
  17. Flounder I am pretty sure I have a couple of -1 front sprockets in my garage for your 750. If you want one you can have it
  18. A truer statement has never been made
  19. Ok here is some real advice. Get a 600, a fuel injected one would be great. This is the part that nobody ever thinks of so pay attention. Most people change the sprockets to make the bike faster but you can go the other way too. Put a larger sprocket on the front and it will calm the bike down a bit then when you are comfortable go back to a stock sprocket. Ta Da In case anyone was wondering my wisdom is infinite
  20. they need to get rid of the boxer engine for thier sportbike
  21. With clutch facing 18 months I would report it stolen
  22. I hope whoever it was reports it stolen soon.
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