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Posts posted by shittygsxr

  1. My .02 if you have to get five of your friends to help beat someone up then you are officially a little bitch (regardless of race). Little bitches should get the proverbial book thrown at them (regardless of race). If you fight someone one on one then a suspension is in order. The point in any school fight is to establish dominance not to kill them so a black eye and a bloody nose is sufficient. Murder charges are excessive as if you planned on killing someone the two main objectives are to kill them and get away with it. So beating someone in front of a bunch of people should be treated as assult and battery.

    Shit we have someone on this site probably facing more time than these guys and he didnt beat anyone. Where are his busloads of protestors?

  2. Could not be any further from reality! Racist people are the reason racism exists. They don't help matters it seems like in most of the most recent cases, but racism is alive and well, whether they were advocates or not.

    There are alot of people at that stage where they could be racist or not, you know all of the young minds out there and when they see everything turned into a white black thing it is gonna influence them.

    So everytime I get into a fight with a white guy is it because I am a racist that hates white people?

    You know sometimes people do things because they are dicks and as we all know there are many different colors of dicks.

  3. cleaner you arent the one prosecuting him are you? I dont know justin but will write a letter. Pops if you can email me some info I will draft something up, cleaner you got some advice as far as the content of the letter. It seems like they are being rather harsh on him.

  4. I dunno, guys and 69 do NOTHING for me... now a coupla hot chicks, we may be onto something :slap:

    maybe they need to change their name to We69witdemhotbitchez . Really the nice guy part of me wants to say thanks for the heads up about your club and events and the asshole part of me wants to say do you really have to type the same illiterate way that you speak?

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