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Posts posted by shittygsxr

  1. since there are 5 pages I will comment. There are several people on this site with a CCW, and it seems that they believe that nobody else should ever get one because of how stupid they are and how they cant handle the responsibility. (please dont call me out on this comment because i will search for all of the contradictory comments on this site)

    There is a guy from my experience who is very level headed and has offered on more than one occasion to help anyone with their bike, who realized that bad situations can happen anytime who wants a CCW.

    So what is the problem? Suggest a good firearm, a CCW program and a place to practice shooting.

    As far as the vigilante justice, a man without dignity is not a man at all. If his family raised him to protect his honor and dignity then let him beat the crap out of someone who deserves it. If he was raised to avoid and confrontation then so be it. There are also a million posts of "I would have kicked his ass if I were there" on this site too so lets not be asses. Does anyone really think the police would do a damn thing if you called with their plate numbers? The police watch hundreds of guys who ride Harleys get drunk and ride home, dont believe me, I'll see you next week at quaker steak.

  2. i had fun last week, so im gonna try to make it again :)

    i gotta work wednesday, but i get off right around 7 and it will take me about 15-20 minutes to get to shell :)

    Ok guys and gals we need to get out of shell proimply at 7:14 :D

  3. It is just soft at first, and I thought there was air in the lines somewhere but our 06 gsxr feels the same. I have pulled at least 1 qt through the system bleeding at both calipers and the MC. I used a mightyvac as well as traditional bleeding. There are alot of competent people on GDC that are not getting good results until they replace the MC.

  4. What would you suggest then? No matter how much I bleed them they still feel a bit soft at first. I have read tons of threads in the club racer and model specific sections of gdc and people are buying 70 a bottle brake fluid, brembo MC's and one guy is disassembling and cleaning his calipers regularly. So it is not just me. My R1 I can use 1 finger and there is immediate stopping, lever is frim and braking power is linear and predictable

  5. Fuck you shitty.. you dont need braking rotors.. Come on man.. do a track day before you buy shit.. I cant do another without getting new rotors and pads..

    Im going to kick you in the dick next time I see you... :slap:

    Sure I do. I have gotten use to the "feel" that a good rotor gives you and my stock ones dont do it for me. It sounds like he has some stock ones also. Really you need to upgrade your system on the 750. I know that the stock ones are capable of flipping you over but they dont have a good feel to them and the braking does not seem linear like my r1. I have new pads, lines and bled the piss out of them and they still seem crappy. So new rotors calipers and MC for me.

    Right now I have to take care of 5 cars and 3 bikes, so I need to upgrade what I have instead of buying more.

  6. Lizard, I think most are talking about the POWER, not handling performance. Many, upon many riders tap into the full POWER potential of bikes.

    absolutely correct unless you talk to someone that has been to a drag strip then they will tell you how there times were no where near what other guys do on the same bike.

  7. I have read about the throttle glitch and it it can only be done in a certain gear at a certain rpm and blah blah blah. Most owners didnt know a problem existed until someone told them.

    I like all of the japaneese brands but sometimes it is obvious where suzuki tries to save a buck. But hey they go fast and do it well.

  8. wow I thought my 02 r1 was pretty cool and was more innovative than some of the other bikes out there. Does suzuki honda or kawasaki use monoblock calipers, quarter turn fasteners on the fairings, full blown diagnostics on the instrument cluster, or eletronic throttle systems? Both of our suzukis have shitty brakes and I use them more than all the horse power.

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