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Everything posted by shittygsxr

  1. the barking cat and I sleep where ever we choose, when we get in trouble. To all of the guys out there buy a house with extra bedrooms Pedro thanks for having my back. Because I get in trouble with the lady alot I have been "taking care" of myself alot so the pimp hand is way strong. I think I am going to grab my hoe by his tie and have a talking with him.
  2. Are you talking about his day job or his night job? Because I am his pimp and his business goes through me
  3. I had nothing to do with it, the rule "who ever smelt it delt it" does not apply
  4. we have another flounder. Hopefully this one does not suck as much as the origional
  5. back when I was learning about RAID novel netware was big shit and token ring networks were cool
  6. Holy Crap guys I was just on campus and was talking about this thread and girls started throwing their panties at me.
  7. if you are in columbus I can do it for you otherwise go to www.modmyiphone.com it is a forum and it has a section for the ipod touch.
  8. I just go back from a country with almost no traffic light or speed limits, and about 80 million scooters. After two weeks I saw 1 accident and it was not severe. Just for reference the city of Bangkok has over 10 million people. I cant even drive the eight miles to work without seeing a wreck
  9. lizard have you modded your ipod touch yet? If not I can give you some sites to unlock its true potential. I have the iphone and found a lot of cool stuff
  10. there that is all I asked. That sounds alot different from the origional post. I never made fun of the guy or said anything bad about him. I just stated the the origional post was incorrect. I am sure his wife and kids would rather have him back then any amount of money. I am sorry that I make some of you sick because I found something fishy with the origional post, which was not exactly correct So he does not get the insurance payout that covers his death while in the line of duty, I guess I can see both sides because he did not report for work yet thus not on duty. So, the family will be without his income, and they are setting up a fund, sounds great I can definately buy that and maybe I'l even attend.
  11. first "passing on information" that you have not verified as correct is pretty much the definition of misinforming. Second can you please tell me the difference between pension and retirement? I know more than enough about state retirement programs as I have been a contributor for years. If you would like the internet is for more than motorcycle forums, and you can do all of the reading you would like about government retirement funds. "straight from the cops mouth" yea you are going to have a hard time selling that to members here. I am sure that everything "straight from a cops mouth" is true. If you really want to have a heart gsxrnurse has some student loans you could help pay by not having starbucks once a week. See the whole point is to take the time and get shit straight. I am not putting it down but am putting things in perspective. Why would a cop know more than I do? I am sure that my education is much more extensive than his. Plus I am a state employee just like he was and receive the same benefits.
  12. shittygsxr

    Qs&l 10-31-07

    brett why dont you make the call and pick a place to meet up besides quaker and we can have a beer and chill for a while.
  13. I think that most people only have so much to give so it is very important that they give to those that are the most deserving in thier eyes. He was a public employee, that is not up for debate. Second his retirement savings go to his beneficiary, the end, no discussion. His boss or whom ever does not get to make that decision. If there is more to the story then great, lets hear it. THIS is not bitching, it is pointing out that the story you received does not make sense at all. So if you want to support this cause by all means do so but please do not misinform people. THE END
  14. cops make really good money, i guess it sucks to die but he should have some kind of life insurance. If I die tomorrow I dont expect anyone to have to do anything for my family members. Why dont they do a poker run for some sick children? Before some of you guys go donating money you need to get some of your info correct. As a government employee he probably has OPERS and his retirement savings will be paid as a lump sum to his designated beneficiaries. It is not the police departments right or ability to choose to keep or paout his pension. For public employees in ohio the contribution rate is approx 9% by the employee and 13.81% from the state which is 22.81% into your retirement. If any of your employers can beat that let me know and I will quit my job to come work at your place
  15. shittygsxr

    Qs&l 10-31-07

    Your right three bike do look sexy in the garage! However my bikes will be in a climate controlled warehouse this winter , so when I get bored at work I can go work on them. I will be at bike night though. Maybe I will dress up too
  16. Clip ons are cheap so its not so bad. The first thing I am going to do when I get back is hug my bikes and eat a big hamburger maybe from thurmans. I told kristen to look for a set of levers to send you, did she ever message you dweezel?
  17. I cant ride either for another week
  18. You guys can choose what size bike she beats you on too. That way it is fair
  19. anyone here a fan of gold? In Asia they only wear 24k i will bring a piece back for myself and if anyone is a fan of it I will get some when I come back in feburary. Kristen spoke to her jeweler and it is a very good deal here
  20. my iPhone tries to correct some words so my posts won't always make sense. It is not be because I am retarded
  21. cleaner the iPhone does not exist yet I am the only person in Asia with one and I get all kinds of looks. If you buy one let me know and I can unlock it for do some other stuff to it I will be in Bangkok in a couple of days and iwas told shark helmets go for about 250 but we will see I am going to look at real estate this weekend and kristen will be coming with me here again in feburary I will upload some pigs when I get back but imagine 4500 st for less than 200 k with no taxes
  22. thanks cleaner I am going to stop by a couple of motorcyce shops when I get back to Bangkok. Some more great info manicures and hair cut for about $5.00 total so I will look fabilous when I get back I have some pigs of some awesome mods but I can't upload them from my phone. If you ever travel abroad an iphone is freakin awesome
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