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Posts posted by shittygsxr

  1. its a good thing this is the internet, otherwise my panties might get in a bunch :D

    on a sidenote, what do you mean by slowing down the group? liter bike or 250, new riders like myself will always slow down the group because a good bike ride will wait for everyone to catch up after the group gets stretched out. i guess ill have to ride with shitty and satan at my own pace. i wouldnt mind going for a ride if theres gonna be someone to wait up for me.

    consider this a personal call out to shitty: i bet i can ride slower than you!

    yeah right right now two of our bikes are in cleveland and the 750 is slightly taken apart so I can even ride at all.

    On a side note I usually ride slow around the city because of my rather extensive driving record, but out in BFE I usually kick it up a notch. So I'll wait for you ben once I get a couple miles ahead

  2. well I would be up for a ride that day for SE ohio. Satan maybe we could have our slow group while they measure each others dicks to see who is the real champ.

    I for on am not going to feel bad when a bad ass rider passes me on a mountain bike, more power to em'

  3. Hey guys as long as I make it back to columbus by 9 or 10 I am alright, so if we do end up in ashland during our ride then we would head home on 71 from there. R1Crusher give me a call saturday and I'll ride with you for a bit.

  4. since you two dont actually know each other maybe you should save some of the shit talking. Wednesday night maybe you two can give each other a hug at taco bell and be friends. We were all new at some point.

    :bitchfight: <- the two of you :jewish: <- me

    Wow there are a lot of smilies on this site

  5. I moved to Lorain from MI in 98. Hating it ever since!! :)

    I feel you on that I moved out to MI in 98 and things started gettting better from then on.

    most of my lorain friends are unreliable so I will have some time saturday and sunday, however we will need to get back home to columbus before too late sunday.

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