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Everything posted by shittygsxr

  1. I hope the aftermarket compaines have better luck making a good looking exhaust for this then they did for the 06/07 gsxr 600/750
  2. Ill be out of town, otherwise I would get drunk with you.
  3. I want to make the 750 a track bike. Hopefully someone will read this later and get me a tracksuit and boots for christmas. I cant decide we even stopped and looked at the vet last week. All I know is next year will be a good one and we are getting some more toys and and a new house.
  4. Your right. I need to send a memo to the british guy that will be following me around with the P.A system
  5. If I get one I am also getting a british guy to follow me around and talk about the Zeta X 10. I wonder if Brett has a P.A system?
  6. kristens uncle got a blue Z06 last year and it will sit in a garage with his other cars and not driven for the next 30 years:(
  7. you didnt detect my sarcasm?
  8. if that tiny ass chick can go 218 on her fully built turbo busa. Then why can Satan go 200 on his zx10 do it with a slipon, powercommander and air filter?
  9. now can i convince the old lady to let me get one?
  10. I was waiting on a pic of the front and I still like it. 86 the exhaust mirrors and rear fender and we have a winner
  11. I dont think anyone is questioning his intelligence but instead questioning the information he has gathered. Most of which probably came from the internet. Nobody is saying don't do it they are saying if 200 is a goal it wont come easy. That is why the 200mph club is still relatively small.
  12. not that big but maybe, and this is a big maybe, would could find a very big hill to use
  13. Your bike WILL do over 200 mph in a vacuum. That would take care of that pesky wind resistance.
  14. Defensive much? I was making a joke however you managed to impress everyone yet again with your witty comments and imaginary 1030 kit
  15. i got pulled on the highway with a temps only, so before court I went and took the test passed and they dropped that charge. I had a helmet gloves and jacket on and got pulled for 70 something mph, that charge stuck. I would not count on the judge being so nice everytime.
  16. I guess you grew up with more money than I did.
  17. chrisoh check my post with the ebay link. Flounder quoted it. Is the 600 tranny the same?
  18. If this fits he probably wont find a better deal
  19. http://cgi.ebay.com/ebaymotors/SUZUKI-GSXR-600-750-TRANSMISSION-04-05-TRANNY-SHIFT-ROD_W0QQitemZ300151584136QQihZ020QQcategoryZ35595QQssPageNameZWDVWQQrdZ1QQcmdZViewItem 45 minutes left on the auction
  20. I am sure he could borrow his girlfriends if you are challenging him
  21. the only reason someone rides and SRAD anymore is because they cant afford anything newer. VFR is a cool bike, single sided swingarm, V4 engine and the high exit exhaust. I used to have a srad and well it was all I could afford at the time.
  22. i heard a commercial on the radio and it sounded pretty sweet. I wouldnt mind going either
  23. My mom is getting her second a4 next week. They are good looking cars that you wont see a million of on the road
  24. If you get pulled, it will be treated as a no license
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