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Everything posted by shittygsxr

  1. one time I lost my keys for two days and it pissed me off alot. I guess it is a good thing that I did not lose nuclear weapons.
  2. keeping it off topic my buddy Pat grew up in Plymouth not sure how old you are but he is 25ish
  3. wow I thought my 02 r1 was pretty cool and was more innovative than some of the other bikes out there. Does suzuki honda or kawasaki use monoblock calipers, quarter turn fasteners on the fairings, full blown diagnostics on the instrument cluster, or eletronic throttle systems? Both of our suzukis have shitty brakes and I use them more than all the horse power.
  4. nooooooooooooooooooo dont do it!!
  5. flounder you can borrow my dog if you want
  6. I think someone here might get one of them next spring. Hopefully his girlfriend wont make him get rid of one of the other ones
  7. John you are correct shell at 7. I have seen your bike at OSU before, I think
  8. shittygsxr


    flounder has made 576 posts and nobody gives a shit about what he has said in any of them. I am sure number 577 will be just as good
  9. shittygsxr


    GDC is www.gixxer.com
  10. shittygsxr


    I figured after a couple of days you guys would have a couple thousand posts. Maybe we need to get SPL on here he has lots of great pics
  11. just go with the bass boat theme some fishing stickers a fishing pole holder and maybe a very small outboard motor then it is finished. If you go much further than that you will be crossing that fine line between tastefull and tacky
  12. where to bikenight or sonic?
  13. Oh and Cleaner if you come we can go to Sonic and Gsxrnurse will buy you a orange cream cooler
  14. Well I cant wait to see it and find out what it costs. I might spring to get my 750 painted, but I am cheap so my spray paint might do for a while
  15. I guess I am the lucky person that gets to start the weekly who is going to bike night thread. So who is going tonight? Any new people let us know what you are riding so we can be nice to you for the first day. I will be on my newly spray painted gsxr 750 and kristen will probably be on the r1 cause it is better than her bike. Later when she will read this thread and make some horrible comeback like "Its my R1 cause you put it in my name to save on insurance" and I'll be like "So"
  16. great no I have two of you to keep me inline, not to mention her countless number of spies
  17. shittygsxr


    go steal some people off of other forums, I think I have pulled at least 5 or so people off of gixxer.com
  18. I used to love that place, hell I would still love it but I am not alowed to go. Its not what you think, I have a valid passport and there are no federal agencies looking for me its just the girlfriend wont let me
  19. Well I will keep the largest thread ever going. Dweezel you need to get some vinyl bass stickers and put them on the bike. Besides looking like the most badass bike ever who is going to talk shit to you anyways.
  20. Stop in windsor on the way back and say hi to all of the 19 year old ladies for me.
  21. Oh no you know what we forgot... We didnt line up our bikes and have the motorcycle photoshoot. You know with all the different angles and such. Maybe we could all get together this weekend and fake the photos I hope everybody remembers what they wore that day
  22. hump day for me is every other saturday, because she never in the mood.
  23. I am only 1 hour into my day at work and already I wish that I had called off. I am really glad I came in 1/2 hour late. Today I think I will head over to main campus and kill some time.
  24. well if the oil was leaking then there was some on the engine and it will take a little while for it to completely burn off. A lot of people spill some oil on thier headers when changing filters and they get that smell for a little while. Congrats on the chrome oil cap!
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