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Everything posted by shittygsxr

  1. I almost stopped because I thought you were our group for a second.
  2. my hands are still numb so maybe ill give myself a stranger
  3. 6 month internship, but I will let him toot his own horn. Give him a couple years then he will have all of the people on here who fucked with him working for him
  4. I would like to start of by saying ben sucks alot and congrats on the internship. Have fun in New Hampshire
  5. aww screw it satan lets buy him some beers now
  6. actually OSU is very creative with their accounting so the statement that it all comes from tax money isnt entirely accurate, but either way it doesnt really matter
  7. You hunting for trouser snakes again? J/K if you kill anything good and make jerky out of it I would take some off of your hands.
  8. +1 Cleaner you are wise beyond your years
  9. Under the table I got ya. Dont worry about paying taxes I'll do that for ya thanks.
  10. he personally hung and electrocuted them
  11. skip the plugs and solder you connections if you have to
  12. what better way to increase enrolment than to talk about the rioting and drunken orgies. If I was 18 and the former president said this about OSU my aplication would be the first one in.
  13. who are these new guys? Maybe they are cool as hell, but they all have some serious egos
  14. and when you fix that dent get a full system so I can try that 1000 header on the 6
  15. yeah right right now two of our bikes are in cleveland and the 750 is slightly taken apart so I can even ride at all. On a side note I usually ride slow around the city because of my rather extensive driving record, but out in BFE I usually kick it up a notch. So I'll wait for you ben once I get a couple miles ahead
  16. All you did was confirm all of your co-workers suspicion
  17. I'll get the girl to come with then she can help tend to the wounded. You know how guys get when they have something to prove.
  18. well I would be up for a ride that day for SE ohio. Satan maybe we could have our slow group while they measure each others dicks to see who is the real champ. I for on am not going to feel bad when a bad ass rider passes me on a mountain bike, more power to em'
  19. hey have I seen you on the north side of columbus?
  20. we should all wear helmets when we drive our cars too. Hey how about big nerf suits, and the roads could be made out of a soft runnber then nobody would ever get hurt. How did the world ever survive before this issue was brought before us?
  21. shittygsxr

    8/19/07 Ride

    If you want to stop in columbus I can provide a resting point. Then a little southeast ohio riding
  22. i am pretty sure he has the k7 1000 since I spent 4-5 hours riding with him. We were not on the same bike either funny guys, I dont want any gay comments.
  23. I see mandie got her invitation on time.
  24. It keeps getting worse doesn't it
  25. If nobody will fess up we will have to do a process of elimination. List of people who did not wreck last night Putty Shittygsxr Gsxrnurse Benyen Soljax the rest of you are still suspects
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