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Everything posted by shittygsxr

  1. I have to go to the concert of the millenium saturday. Do you have a ride planned for Sunday? It can be too early because I will be recovering from the Genesis concert
  2. countdown to flounders extremely technical comment that I will need wiki to even understand half of the words in 5...4...3...2...1
  3. flounder sent me a pm about a big group hug after this thread. I guess I am down
  4. its not my fault they had those icon kitty chaps in the guys section
  5. Luckily I wasnt fat:D but I made the best of my situation. I understand where you are coming from too Cleaner. My friend Labron wanted me to make the resevations for his wedding at a certain country club because he thought that they were rejecting him because he was black. I told him I would do it for him but asked "do you really want to go to a place like that anyways"? Then there were some clubs we went to in Atlanta for his bachelor party and they really werent happy about me being there. I guess I have realized that I am not going to change the world and if there is somewhere I am not welcome then I wont go there. I have no connections with anyone in that little shit town. Maybe the kid ran his mouth, and he got his ass kicked and they should do there month or so in juvie and move on with their lives. I am glad someone is standing up for them so they dont get life but marching thousands of people into their little town is good for nobody
  6. Since you dont wear a helmet you will have less wind resistance, but will you sunglasses stay on
  7. this guy has a great attitude you guys are cool in my book. However I am not gonna ride around in one of those cute little leather vests
  8. +1 the throtlle cable is too tight. When I adjust my throttle I have to turn the bars left and right to make sure that the idle stays the same and that it snaps closed with the bars left center and right
  9. You were better off in my school being black than fat so do not start with the oppressed talk. My neighbor is an anesthesiologist and she is a black woman, I am sure that she would not be happy with someone telling her she cant do it because of her race. She would probably say I am a doctor because I worked hard and spent my time studying. Tell her that she is oppressed and she will tell you if oppressed is making 300k then yes I am. People can achieve what ever they want and the only limiting factor is themselves.
  10. I was there a year after sept 11th happened. It was the most heart wrenching thing I have ever seen. I had been there before and had even stayed in the hilton that was located in a smaller buiding that was part of the trade center complex. To see a giant hole instead of two skyscrapers was a hard concept to grasp. There were makeshift memorials everywhere, badges and patches from what seemed to be every police, fire dept and military unit ever. There were letters from childen to their parents who died that day one that still brings tears to my eyes said "I miss you daddy when are you coming home" Amongst the thousands of teary eyed americans white black tan everything you could imagine, I saw a group of people who looked like they were at disney land posing like they were with mickey mouse. The person that was taking the photo was knocked off balance by a somebody walking by who disapproved of what they were doing. I am not sure if my little shove was called for or if I was out of line.
  11. I bet it feels good to be able to make that comment.
  12. I think Angrish meant "we" as in the way "we" won the championship in football but none of us has anything to do with the team. Not the best wording though, we got the whole rainbow of members here so we need to be respectfull to everyone here.
  13. My .02 if you have to get five of your friends to help beat someone up then you are officially a little bitch (regardless of race). Little bitches should get the proverbial book thrown at them (regardless of race). If you fight someone one on one then a suspension is in order. The point in any school fight is to establish dominance not to kill them so a black eye and a bloody nose is sufficient. Murder charges are excessive as if you planned on killing someone the two main objectives are to kill them and get away with it. So beating someone in front of a bunch of people should be treated as assult and battery. Shit we have someone on this site probably facing more time than these guys and he didnt beat anyone. Where are his busloads of protestors?
  14. ChrisOH there are two t's congrats
  15. you dont need to do crunches eat some ice cream instead
  16. the brits will get all of the colors and we will get blue/white and blue/white and maybe if we are lucky blue/white
  17. There are alot of people at that stage where they could be racist or not, you know all of the young minds out there and when they see everything turned into a white black thing it is gonna influence them. So everytime I get into a fight with a white guy is it because I am a racist that hates white people? You know sometimes people do things because they are dicks and as we all know there are many different colors of dicks.
  18. not good enough for us to trade in the 06. some cool colors though
  19. thanks for playing pedro anyone else
  20. yeah I might not make it tonight I got that thing to do, that out of town thing.
  21. I was gonna ask him to put up a pick of her to go with the auction but it has already ended
  22. wow you must be a fuckin ninja to kick off some rearsets.
  23. Flounder -> <- ?u??y Ok everybody guess a letter
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