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Everything posted by shittygsxr

  1. The cop is not the judge jury or executioner. He also gets paid more than enough to act like a professional. Not to be a sexist pig but most guys are stronger than women and dont need to yank them by their hair.
  2. Thanks for the heads up kenstatetsi . I am just waiting on them to put out a race replica kit for the 04-05 gsxr 600/750. The body work for that generation just popped up within the last week or so
  3. I have been looking at those too and there has been mention of them on other forums I frequent. There are mixed reviews about thier quality but for the price I guess it is worth it. Maybe you can be the guinea pig and if they are good I might buy a set
  4. my ovens internal dimensions are only 18x18x18 so i have to stick with the smaller stuff
  5. decide what stuff you want done and maybe we can get them done this weekend. I have a couple of things to do to my bikes too:D got some new rotors and leo vince on the way
  6. not strapped for cash, the girlfriend is in school all day and then spends the entire evening studying. My main job is boring so I would like a job that would be fun in the evenings
  7. The only fun jobs I can think of involve strippers and the girlfriend wont let me do that. As far as full time goes I would have to get a really nice raise to leave gov't benefits behind
  8. I work my 8-5 at OSU and I think I want a second job for the evenings and maybe the weekends when it starts getting colder out. I am looking for something fun as my first job kinda sucks. So if anyone has some ideas let me know
  9. the firefighter thing sounds great except the occasional fire. It sounds a bit better than being a salaried state employee I have my own sno cone maker, you make it seem so nice
  10. i guess I dont feel bad about not bidding then
  11. It sold for $15.50 with free shipping. I guess I should have bought it for the screen
  12. Yeah right! It was more like 1 1/2 hours.
  13. nice! This is what I got for my birthday
  14. Sounds good. I will need some new tires soon.
  15. do you think you will be able to scratch the hell out of them like iron pony does?
  16. shittygsxr


    any details?
  17. shittygsxr


    motopuck I am going to add you to my buddie list because of that last post. I have only gotten out to hocking hills a handfull of times this year but if you have some routes that you would like to share I am all ears
  18. hey why dont you tell us what size you wear so we can help out better. I understand that you are on a budget and will help out if I can
  19. Instead of complaining start some threads asking if anyone wants to ride
  20. I dont see the problem with 3 or 4 people showing up, just go for a ride then and make some new friends. If you want to be a leader just find some more people to wear their sunglasses and shorts and rev up and down high street. If you see me at a bike night and I am keeping to myself or not talking to someone it is because I dont want too, not because I am shy. Maybe some of the "celebrities" here dont want to hang out with some of the "goofballs" and you should get off of their nuts.
  21. shittygsxr


    I want to get out for a bit tonight
  22. I'll ride tomorrow only if you bring the fat chick! Seriously I'll rider tomorrow
  23. I have seen that pic on the internet countless times and I swear to god last year while visiting some friends in Lorain Ohio I saw that bike cruising down the street with that large ass on it. It was like meeting your favorite actor, I was so excited
  24. the swingarm would be fine but you probably would lose a pillion peg and have cracked rear fairing. If you really wanted to be a dick take your rear seat off and tell her to try and se if she could fit her entire ass on the seat.
  25. the sad part is she probably gets all excited when she asks for a ride and all of the hotties are encouraging her because they think it will be funny. If you do it let me know and i will film it and put it on youtube.
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