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Posts posted by shittygsxr

  1. Every body has option about thing this is how we learn about others. But if we would have to move back to NY for any reason she will always have a job with the backing of the degrees from college. Now for rad tech if she don't like rad tech she could always fall back on a RN degree. She shadow at a hospital here and one of the techs had no degree in any thing what the hell. She really like the hospital work. She like to learn both sides of the fields.

    RN's make the money. if she wants to spend that much time in school she could get a MSN and do advance practice. There is a respectable amount of money to be made there

  2. Shes looking to get her rad tech and then go back to school for RN nurse for her resume. that way she could work in any place apply for both position.

    not to be rude but that is a pretty bad plan. A BSN with CCRN cert will get you all of the jobs you could ever want. Mine is a bit more than halfway done with her MSN for CRNA

  3. I don't have a car that is faster, cars cost too much to make fast, but I test drove a 05 sti, and I hated how quickly I ran out of rpms and had to shift, as soon as it started really pulling I had to change gears.

    I'll take my xx when I need an adrenaline rush, thanks... if I'm in a car, id rather be comfortable, so I have a cadillac, heated leather recliner seats with massage, and bose stereo, still 300 horsepower.

    I figured since you were pissing in his cheerios you had a ride that could back it up.

  4. Actually, its a difficult "market" because of all of the people who lost their jobs and went back to school. I know many people who went into a medical field to get a "stable" job. Also many nurses came out of retirement when their husbands lost their jobs or went to school for the same reason. There is also many people staying in the field longer than they would have because they lost to much of their retirement in the stock market or are still unsure of things and trying to wait it out. Sure, OSU is a good medical school but you really think everyone who graduates from there stays? Many factors play into the healthcare job market.

    You heard from who that its extremely easy to get jobs in other states? Ive heard/know otherwise. Ohio has a great job market for healthcare especially Central Ohio which is going to expand further in the next few years with Children's, St. Anns, and OSU.

    So dont run your mouth here about stuff you "heard" when you have zero actual knowledge. Lot of people here who are knowledgable about a lot of things who will call you on your bullshit FYI ;)

    Wow that was a well thought out and intelligent response. There is a nursing shortage at Osu and I "heard" it from several of their executives.

    The perceived lack of opportunity is from inexperienced persons who often have a two year nursing degree or certificates from fly be night programs

  5. Count me in as well. Was thinking of actually doing the bike part...but one with a motor sounds so much better but can still be a part of it all...win...win...lol

    As a volunteer or rider we would be happy to have you in our Peloton

  6. I call bullshit - you don't even remember Saturday night.

    I remember waking up in the middle of the night and having to shit. I remember drinking a "table" of beer too.

  7. Pelotonia riders, Ross and I will be coordinating the Motorcycle escort as well as the SAG vehicles again this year.


    If you need a peloton to join let us know and we will add you to ours, we will be a part of team buckeye again.

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