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Posts posted by shittygsxr

  1. Shitty. I'm reregistered as an Alumni volunteer. Are you going to assign my volunteer duties as last year? Or do I need to message someone? Thanks.

    I'll get you taken care of.

  2. @Exarch I wasn't comparing the empty him holster to being followed. I was comparing a stranger wearing a empty holster to a sranger in a hoodie. If wearing a hoodie means its okay to follow then surely an gun holster could justify calling the cops.

    @shittgsxr No need to reread the thread. The original post said nothing about being concerned about a wrongful call to the police. Just that a dude with an empty holster was detained by police. This supposed waiving of a gun mess you keep going on about came up later. And i say supposed because one dude on here said the "believed" that was the call was a guy waiving a gun around.

    The "dude" that believed it is an Osu police officer. At Osu the number of instances where a person is reported waiving a gun are so few and far between that mistakes in hearing that detail are nearly impossible.

  3. It's funny the difference between this conversation and the Trayvon one. On this one some can't understand why people would be concerned about a random person walking around with an empty gun holster around their waste. In the Trayvon conversation several people think it is justifiable to follow and confront a person walking through a neighborhood simply because they don't know'm and they are wearing a hoodie.

    read the thread again. The concern was a call to the police saying a man was waving a gun around, clearly he was not.

  4. Wouldn't it just be easier to get a job you love? ;)

    Then retirement planning would not be a concern and this thread would not have existed. I despise my job and am very aggressive in retirement planning. The wife thoroughly enjoys the career path she has chosen and does not give much thought to it.

  5. your right to a point. The risk is still there but your potential losses are reduced as well as your gains are limited also.

    I guess my point is/was that if you do not understand the market, the forces acting upon the market and available investment vehicles, then you should take the effort to learn before you invest your hard earned money.

    The point of investing is to accelerate the rate of asset growth so you can quit that job that you hate. Good financial decisions will save you years of working a crap job.

  6. +1

    Options are not a good idea for someone new to investing. Way too risky. Straddles and Strangles are even more difficult to analyze potential profitability. I've only done one one strangle before on NFLX. It worked but I really didn't analyze it like I should have. With that being said they can be extremely lucrative. Most of what I do these days are options. Although, if fees are a factor in your gains something isn't right. Costs me 11.00 per trade.

    very little risk in covered calls

  7. I understand it, but disagree that it's good advice for the layman. If you're gambling on both sides of the "field" on a time-relative basis, you can still lose money, moreso in fees and premiums for conducting those transaction types (option costs).

    I found this to be a more simple read on straddles and strangles...



    For the layman, multiple, diversified, mutual funds and high quality bond funds are easy to understand and buy for long term growth. Fees are minimal if you're not paying front or end loads, as well as looking for funds with an expense ratio of NO GREATER than 1% and a good Morningstar rating (another easy metric to understand for the typical folk).

    To each their own though. YMMV. Especially if you have a high risk/reward threshold, investment duration, and strategy focus.

    Wether it is the correct strategy for them or not it. You must work as hard if not harder investing your money as you did earning it. Realizing what you do not know allows you to fully understand the risk you are going to undertake. Transaction costs become de minimus when transaction values are high enough

  8. Honestly if someone introduced themselves as neighborhood watch as I was walking down the street, I would lightly converse and then thank them for taking a moment to talk to me. Furthermore I would thank them for stepping up to take back the neighborhood that has gone to shit in short order.

    I know how much my property value has gone down since all of the crime came in. I would thank anyone who gets that value back for me.

    • Upvote 1
  9. meh, my dad already defriended me on facebook, i'm assuming the inheritance ship has sailed long before then.

    then again... he defriended my sister too, so perhaps my long term psy-ops tactics are working. MUAAAHAHAAHAHAHA

    jk (on everything except getting defriended. that actually did happen)

    for the first step, i'm leaning towards continually buying a variety of mutual funds in addition to maxing out my IRA's every year. i did buy some stocks and funds prior to now, but with no real direction and only a small amount invested... just on a whim here and there.

    When a couple contracts start playing catch up on cash flow, I will seriously consider consulting with a financial advisor on what to do with those funds as well as the proceeds from my old house sale. Part of what brought this about was the prospects of letting those funds languish in some 1% savings. i am still considering letting them languish in a used 911 turbo lololol

    skip the mutual funds the fees will kill you. High dividend stock, write covered calls and use the proceeds as income or to buy puts if you are scared of market fluctuation.


    If you read this article and don't get it, then wait until you do to invest.

  10. was working that night and heard the run go out. Our officers responded to assist OSU PD wit a person with a gun call. I believe that the call came is as a man waving a gun around. So, yes they are going to respond, with their guns drawn, detain the suspect, investigate then release him. I work in the hood, and people with guns pass off their guns to other people all of the time. As an officer, I am trained to hide my chosen weapon from time to time. One of the ways we hide them is to cross our arms and tuck which ever weapon we are holding under our arm. They did exactly what they should have done.

    OSU PD has VERY strict rules on removing their weapon from their holster. They actually had an officer die after being shot while investigating a property crime (didn't meet the criteria for pulling weapon). I guarantee the officers had no idea he was the president of whichever group he was president of until he told them. Just because President Gee doesn't like the group doesn't mean there is some conspiracy against them on the part of the police department.

    This comment alone, which is true, shows that this was a call not of concern for safety but to get someone falsely arrested.

    A crowd of 200 with a man waiving a gun would not be a crowd of 200 for long, people would have ran. The officer using common sense would have thought, hey if there is a guy waiving a gun why are all these people just standing around and surprised that we are here.

    There is no rational argument against this. Between the police reports I have read, the witnesses I have spoken to and the OSUPD officer on this board. There is NO otherside to this story.

  11. I just finished reading all of the posts. I initially thought the issue was going to be the officers response to the situation. I was wrong. They were only responding to the information that they had.

    I really hope the OSUPD is treating this call as seriously as the spray paint on the Hale Center

    • Upvote 1
  12. This is what we are pissed about. There are also articles going around listing his name and calling it a hate crime.

    Jagr is correct, OSUPD is supposed to take the call seriously. It was apparent in very short order that there was no man "waiving a gun" or even in possession of one. The focus should have immediately shifted to the false call to the OSUPD and the persons who made such allegations.

  13. Which was it? An open display of the holster as part of a week long protest or it was concealed and people just picked him to call the cops and say 'man with a gun'? Not giving you a hard time, it is an honest question.

    I wasn't at the event but I am gathering some of the details.

    There was a week long open holster protest and the holster in question was an outside the waistband holster so it was not intended to be concealed. Whether it was 100% visible or not, I can not answer. The call to 911 was not an of an inquisitive nature.

    A crowd of 200 would have dispersed if a gun was present. The 911 call was malicious and false

  14. This should be interesting. I wonder how this turns out.

    I am not sure which one of the eight units dispatched that jst2fst had the pleasure of speaking to but I am sure they are all nice guys.

    I am eagerly awaiting the 911 audio, if it is as described I truly hope that the OSUPD takes proper action against those who filed the report

  15. It was only in plain sight for the photograph used in the article in the Columbus dispatch. His shirt coverered the holster during the time I was with him, just before this event.

    The event was not about trevon, it was about racial intolerance. That night there was no tolerance for a white man with a beard

    He was not there to cause trouble or support either side but to express that he wished that people would let the law do its job and save judgement for a time when all of the evidence was presented.

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