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Posts posted by shittygsxr

  1. Is their anything we need to do before this happens next weekend?

    I am going to try and get everyone together the Wednesday evening before the event. I will have some volunteer shirts, pumps and tire levers to give out.

  2. I don't know how this could be legal. Plastic guns were created in the image of real guns which were designed with the sole intention of murder and crime. Plastic or not you guys just like guns cuz your to pussy to fist fight.

    On topic I've printed car parts this way and it's awesome for prototyping.

    Let these guys print their guns and you can print giant cocks and F yourself with them

    • Upvote 1
  3. yeah, keep blaming islam, which is also "peaceful" :rolleyes:

    It is what it is, you think the middle east is peaceful, you think guns preserve life, and you believe that a fairy in the sky causes natural disasters as punishment for gays...

    obviously it's MY pov that is skewed... :rolleyes:

    Somehow I imagine you writing out your posts with crayons and then having your mom type them out.

    The correlation between guns and crime is not as relevant as the correlation between demographics and crime.

  4. 4 black males attempting to car jack me on my birthday as we got into my car in her grandmother's driveway to go birthday dinner with my parents. That story has been discussed in detail on here several times. I have a feeling you didn't see it because there was nothing to argue your views on....... other than it was my fault for driving a nice car.

    Insert ray-sis comment about the accuracy of african american shooters

  5. ^ this looks like an awesome trip

    done properly it costs a lot less than you would think.

    Hotel room


    sitting room in our suite


    i couldn't fit the entire bathroom in this shot


    and if you like to party


  6. no, a worldwide rejection of the purpose of a gun...

    Cars kill a lot of people, but they weren't designed with the explicit purpose of killing people. They were designed to carry people from place to place... in their development, they have become more efficient at doing that, carrying people from place to place faster, and more comfortably, using less fuel...

    Guns on the other hand, in their development have become more efficient at killing people, firing more bullets faster and more accurately...

    You can't get past the design intent...

    necessity is the mother of invention

  7. I understand, but it's a double edged sword... cause now some little punk dipshit with a inferiority complex has the power to kill whoever bruises his ego.

    only when establishments and laws remove the ability of people to protect themselves.

    I think the consensus is that he was after the "glory" of a mass murder. It makes sense to do it where there is the least probability that someone will fight back with equal force.

  8. The wife and I got married and honeymooned in cusco with a trip to machu picchu. You are going to be broke for a long time get used to it and have some fun. Sitting around drunk in florida for a week really isnt that exciting.




  9. Kids pick up guns all the time, they have no money, and figuring out how to use it can be done in the process of using it.

    I'm talking point blank, or no aim at all, just happens to be pointing in the direction of someone's vital organs when you happen to be squeezing the trigger (again has happened to kids all the time)

    the force it takes to squeeze a trigger, effortless, as opposed to say picking up a large rock and bludgeoning someone, or the force it takes to squeeze someone's windpipe while they notice, and struggle to get you off of them...

    and that is why guns exist, it makes brute force irrelevant and puts a little old level on equal ground with a badass that could throw some bows

  10. Ok we are getting close to the event and will start getting everyone coordinated. usually we have people back out and add on until just a couple weeks before the event so passing on all of the details early just results in saying the same thing over and over again.

    If anyone has changed their mind and is going to drop out please let me know. If anyone would like to volunteer and make sure all the spandex wearers are ok we have some more room.

    I am sure casper would be more than happy to have you riding behind him staring at his butt.

  11. I miss guys like some of the banned. They added excitement to the site. A little boring on here since the last agressive person left, or exarch. Those people make for great reading. I'll always sign in though. Been on here since 2006 so I'll always be signing on, it's a habit. :lol:
    His absence was forced not voluntary.

    I would say he did everything he could to get banned. His intention was to be banned from this site so I am going to side with Nick and say he left by his own choosing

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