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Posts posted by shittygsxr

  1. I'll agree with one of swingset's points there. It really sucks when bicyclists (usually the ones in the flaming jerseys) ride two abreast knowing full well that a vehicle is approaching from the rear and don't go single file to let the said vehicle pass. I ride bicycle a lot & always ride in a lane position that will let car drivers pass without crossing the centerline. It's the courteous thing to do. I love it when I'm on my motorcycle when passing the arrogant "two abreast" guys. I just maintain speed, keep about 1 1/2 feet left of centerline & hold the horn button in from the time I'm about 10 feet away until I'm about 10 feet past for a nice dopler effect.


  2. First' date=' the being a dick part was sarcasm. Didn't you see the stupid fucking smiley guy? Dumbass.

    Second, no bike paths take me to work and back. I've already covered this.

    Third, fuck you and fuck your commute. I ride bike paths, too. I just can't get to work via one of them.

    I don't hold up any cars on my commute. There isn't enough traffic to hold up anywhere that I ride my bike. I don't live in fucked up Columbus, where every person behind the wheel is a self-centered, midget-dicked asshat that thinks they have the right to the whole goddamn universe because they drive a fucking car, or have a fucking job, or have a fucking date, or have to take a shit.

    Fuck you. Fuck them. Fuck your commutes. Fuck all of them.[/quote']

    Midget dicked.... Ha!

  3. There's some logic to it, but it just makes you a purposeful road block.

    I can't bring myself to stand in the way of traffic like that. Just don't have it in me, for the same reason I can't stand in the doorway of a store while people are waiting. I think you have to enjoy pissing people off....or you're utterly oblivious to your impact on others...neither is good.

    I might have every legal right to be there, every safety-minded rationale on my side, but it's a dick move to hold up the rest of the world.

    I'll take my chances on the berm, and let people pass me or find a better way of traveling.

    I think you encounter different riders than I do. Most people that I encounter on my Saturday morning rides in the country often slow and politely wave as they pass by. Maybe seeing a group of people getting exercise and enjoying the outdoors puts them in a good mood. With as lazy and over weight as the US has become I hope the uptick in bicycle riding continues for a long time, lord knows this country needs it.

    Next time you have to pass a skinny rider ask your self if you would rather deal with him or another overweight person blocking the door at walmart.

  4. It's really no different is someone has a horse and buggy on the road. Bikes have the right to be on the road.

    As for taking the whole lane, I can't agree with that. Some riders do it in order to be a pain. I can't agree with it. Empty road? Have at it. Traffic behind you? Let them through. Everyone's happy, everyone gets where they need to, nobody gets mad. I don't get why people feel the need to stick a thorn in other people's sides.

    With that said, I have been an avid rider and raced through my teens. Mostly off road but some on road. I prefer dirt but it's not always available. As for what to buy, you can ride your mountain bike on pavement, but you can't ride your road bike in the woods.

    You can buy clothes, but I usually ride in jeans shorts and a t-shirt. I have proper clothes, but rarely wear them. Changing makes riding a process, so unless I'm going on a long ride, I prefer to just jump on my bike and go. If I'm driving to a trail, I'll dress.

    Get a Camelbak or some type of backpack bladder. It holds more water, doesn't get dirty, and you can wear it under your motorcycle gear too.

    I can't believe I have to explain this to a motorcycle rider. If you ride the shoulder cars do not pass safely. If you ride in the lane they slow down and pass when it is safe.

    If you have ridden more than 100 miles on a motorcycle someone in a car has tried sharing your lane.

  5. Off-road riding is tough. Really tough. Road riding is tough. Really tough.

    Stick to bike paths if you want your wife to enjoy it' date=' at all.[/quote']

    :) there you go this is the most correct statement in this thread.

    I for one get hobbies so I can spend time away from the wife. I would rather have 5k wrapped up in my bike rather than half as much in a bike for each of us.

  6. I did the same thing with the bike I just bought. Its doing the job now but wow its a lot more difficult than I thought. Ive ridden 3 times now in a week and a half. Each time I have progressed a ton but I have fallen pretty good each time. I have beat the shit out of this bike so far and I plan to ride the piss out of the bike I have till fall/winter and then start looking for a better model on craigslist. So far Im loving it and the workout is much more difficult than pedaling around the bike path. If you find a good enough buy then if you dont like it you can sell it and break even...

    That right there is the reason your girlfriend will go only one time and be done. Go for the road bike and call it a day

  7. If you want quiet live in the country... The city is what it is, sorry everyone can't accommodate for you. Wear some damn ear plugs at night if it is really that big of a deal, boohoo someone is being loud, cry me a river.

    and slingbitch, go fuck yourself, I'm sure you're a white trash emo bitch by the way you described yourself. Shouldn't you be watching your kids while they play in the street? Crack is wack..

    It seems like you were considerate of your neighbors when you bought your little girl bike. If only Swinger has a bunch of Mo's racing their 250's down this street he wouldn't have needed to start this thread

  8. We had great service last night. Chevy and his wife were there and a few of the guys I ride with. A new manager came out and talked to me about the issues we have had over the last few weeks. He apologized and asked if we would consider giving him a chance. I told him we had quite a few members very upset about the service, but I would post and we can see what happens. I will be there again next week. If everything goes well I will continue to go.

    That was cool of the manager, but it is amazing how hard it is to get people to take your money anymore. They are in the business of selling food they should be very attentive to groups who want to eat.

  9. Congratulations on quitting! Keep reminding yourself of your motivation to quit and it'll help you get through these first couple weeks.


    I rode the 100 miler last year, going for 180 this year, and I ride for my mother who has now beat two different types of cancer, and for my uncle and grandfather who have lost the battle. I ride for all our loved ones who have been or will be affected by this terrible disease.

    Casper, if you or anyone else on here riding wants to do some training rides together I think it would be a lot of fun. Lots of good riding trails and roads around Columbus, and I ride nearly every weekend so I can meet up anytime. If you have any questions about how to prepare I can try to help too, as before last year I hadn't rode a bike in probably 10 years, so I had to figure out a good schedule and such to prepare myself for the 100.

    Cheers to you for joining the cause and for your own triumph in kicking the smoking, and if I don't talk to you beforehand, I'll see you out there on the road August 11.

    Ross and I usually ride every saturday and sometimes during lunch so let us know if you would like to tag along or maybe we can join you

    For many riders their place of employment has tons of fundraisers, events ect but if there is anyone on here that does not have that available to them feel free to check out the following resources.




    Consistent with my reputation here it is better if you don't know me or acknowledge that you do.

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