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DTM Brian

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Everything posted by DTM Brian

  1. We have had more snow this winter compared to all of last year.
  2. +1. The blonde girl to the far left in the obama picture looks like she could be one of Emily's sisters.
  3. Ryan, If I am over the flu I would like to stop out and say hello and visit for an hour. Seems like a lot of us are really sick.
  4. Thank you sir. I hope your Christmas goes better for you next year. That is the cool thing about having it once a year. There is always a chance for a better one. Thank you Matt. Hope to have Mom back home some time in late January.
  5. My gift was open heart surgery for my mother back in October.
  6. Do not make your hobby your work. You will enjoy the hobby more if you keep the two seperate. Trust me.
  7. The perfect solution for blown Apex seals everytime.
  8. I normally get to spend Christmas with my family. We either get together at my parents house or everyone comes over to my place. We exchange gifts and have dinner. It is a always a good time for me. This year is a little different. A lot of my friends know my mother's health issues this year. With the help of God and the Cleveland Clinic she recieved much needed heart surgery. Without this surgery she would not be alive this Christmas. She has been in a nursing home a couple different times now on the road to recovery. We were hoping she would be home for Christmas. However Pneumonia landed her back into the nursing home again and she is having to start her therapy and recovery all over again. My father has also become sick to the point he is not able to be around others as well. Even though we are not exchanging gifts. Even though we are all apart this Christmas. I try to think Positive and believe that Santa brought me an early present this year by getting my mom to the Cleveland Clinic. Love you mom and dad. I hope I can spend next Christmas with the both of you.
  9. Ummm. Wow. So what is your favorite out of the bunch? Looks like you are going to need to build a bigger of garage. Or you can just sell me the Z since it is one of your older toys to make room for more.
  10. Bike is a blast to ride. Not only does it pull like crazy in a straight line. It is very managable through the twisties. It is on in the wrist. I agree the wrong move and you will have an oopsie.
  11. Looks like a perfect way to spend Christmas with family.
  12. Looks like a driver given how dirty the floor mat is. Needs twin turbos and over 1000 hp to the tire.
  13. Time to get my xmas present since I have been a Naughty boy.
  14. I am making 151 hp/liter with my junk....... 173 ft-lbs/liter helps out a little. Damn I need bigger SNAILS:fuckyeah:
  15. You could also spend a day with me learning to tune your car if you rather not get the DVD or book. PM me sometime if you are interested in getting a quote.
  16. I can set the spray up to make it safe on the bike. Just saying........
  17. BRB. Going to go and get the title in my name for this Hayabusa. http://titanserver.servepics.com/Titan%20Server/Pictures/Brad%20Turbo%20Busa/DSC00280.JPG 373 whp on a stock motor with a GT35R (15psi) and the Corn. 287 hp/liter.
  18. Merry Christmas from Dyno Brian
  19. Colt Boostin for President. Looking forward to seeing your car in person Mr. JP.
  20. I will come if you brought some Bazzaz samples to share with me.
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