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DTM Brian

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Everything posted by DTM Brian

  1. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=R4TEFAme6io 155 db's to the skull.
  2. http://www.honda-tech.com/showthread.php?t=2726800
  3. Sorry for jumping in your thread Dover. If you do not mind brady shoot me over a PM with Mafia pricing as well.
  4. I hope you enjoy!! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lwMd-uaOX0M
  5. Maybe not having a wife is not such a bad thing after all.
  6. I wonder what kind of phone calls he is getting.
  7. I am going to copy the screenshot from the conversation on here and take it with me.
  8. Well I tried to argue with 3 different people behind the counter at the bmv that a bike was seasonal. Looks like I will be paying a late fee when I bring the bike out.
  9. Let me know if it works out. I had to do the same thing for a new laptop with all my tuning software.
  10. Rename the setup file with the .exe extension and it will install just fine.
  11. How stupid can you be? This is one time I do not feel sorry for the rider/passenger.
  12. More of the laughing man. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=p32OC97aNqc&feature=related
  13. Laughing Girl watching Laughing Man. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Iys86OcXPY8
  14. I get a few customers each year saying they just want a cam for sound. All I need to do is sell them one of these. Maybe that and some subwoofers and an amp so it thumps at an idle. lol
  15. Bike Count from the last spring dyno days. 2007 - 7 Bikes 2008 - 20 Bikes 2009 - 42 Bikes
  16. I want that sounds like a ferrari.
  17. http://www.metacafe.com/watch/91487/rc_motorcycle/
  18. Thank you again Steve for coming out. Your business is greatly appreciated.
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