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DTM Brian

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Everything posted by DTM Brian

  1. Josh, When did you leave Columbus?
  2. LOL: "Din" Correction factor was used which reads mucher higher then STD or SAE. I wonder why the power was climbing and fell off? Looks like spark blow out. Hmm.
  3. Give it maintenance like any vehicle and I think you will be ok. I have always had really good luck with Ford. Good and Bad in all makes and models.
  4. The 3.0 will run forever. True story. The rest of the van I am unsure of.
  5. Customer at the shop today was telling me Groveport has an R1 that they patrol with. The officer is in plan clothes. I guess the lights are hidden on the bike. Anyone else know of this?
  6. I would say she deserved the comment.
  7. I think I have posted more in the last 30 days then I have in 3 years.
  8. I just turned 500 posts a couple days ago. Looks like I have a long way to go.
  9. we are not even getting that much snow. Maybe they need to burn some snow days.
  10. I feel sorry for all you peoples at work. I am sitting at the kitchen table trying to figure out what to do. Maybe once we get 3-4 inches I will go take a ride on the 4 wheeler.
  11. I have been talking with a guy in Australia to come and do some tuning on V6 Holden's. I guess not many shops tune the factory pcm's there. This would be right up my alley based on the GM V6 FWD tuning I have done. I guess $2,000.00 is the going price for a tune. Hmm. Maybe I will bring me back an Aussie Hottie.
  12. PM sent showing the last PM from you.
  13. I would say $150.00 is good deal for everything I do.
  14. They are brother and sister. Half Yorkie/Pom.
  15. It is only the beginning of January and I have had my fill. This will be the first winter where I am not working a job. The beginning of December to the end of February is VERY slow for me at the shop. I am sure it does not come as a suprise. I need something to do.. I keep telling myself to join a gym. However my fear is I will want to give up in the spring when the shop gets busy. I thought about trying to become a volunteer at a hospital but then I am afraid of getting sick. Just a couple years ago I was working 40+ hours at a job and running the dyno. I did not have time to do anything I wanted to do. Now I have plenty of time for the business during the spring, summer, and fall. I was thinking back in October how I was so ready for a break. Well I have enough of a break. I have had about as much of my house and puppies that I can take. Sorry for the rant. I am just dying of boredom. This is company I share in my house. At least they do not get tired of talking to me. (Full Grown) My baby girl. My baby boy. The dynamic duo
  16. I want an 02 with this color scheme.
  17. Shoot me a PM after friday and let me know what you find out. If I had the ability to scan it I would throw it on the dyno and put a heavy load on the car. I would think then the problem could be found.
  18. "For off road use only" 99% of the cars I tune in the shop.
  19. Cats are not the problem. If the front one fails again have it removed and get all the dtc's turned off in the vcm for those codes. It could be a possible cam or crank sensor issue. The first cat should never had been replaced.
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