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DTM Brian

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Everything posted by DTM Brian

  1. Please bring something like this... And not this. That is all.
  2. If you bring "hookers and blow" they will come.
  3. Be ready for it to take 5 years before you see any type of reward for your efforts.
  4. Underwriters are who decide if you are worthy of a loan. A loan officer is pretty much a middle person between you and underwriting.
  5. Liquid assests can be turned in to cash quickly.
  6. Jordon, My original loan for the dyno was 100k. You can imagine what the underwriters were thinking when they were looking it over. I am sure they had no idea what a dyno even was. Needless to say I had to have some some serious collateral for them even to consider it. My interest rate was out of this world as well. After two years I was able to refi the loan at a much better rate and drop the collateral. I am guessing a subway might be easier to get past underwritting then a dyno. However you need to either bring collateral to the table or a good portion of your own money to show the bank you are willing to take the risk. The other problem is there is a subway at every corner already. If you need 150k, I would think you would want to bring 50k of your own money to the table. A bank then might consider it depending how established your credit is. Then again it is much harder to get such a loan today then it was 10 years ago. Matt who owns a number of subways over on CR would be the guy to talk to. Not sure how much info he is going to give you. He has several subway stores. Good luck.
  7. +1 on mario. I was playing some sega dream cast and snes earlier myself. I am done with this winter break. The sooner spring gets here the better.
  8. My ass will be at home and asleep before midnight. LOL. I must be getting old.
  9. DTM Brian

    Polar Bear Run

    Freezing rain here we come. What if I ride my 4 wheeler? Does that count?
  10. What would happen if you were to put two hot chicks on the bike and let them make out? Would this some how over ride the bike and make it start?
  11. And does not leave a voicemail. I can see under some circumstances why you would need to have a private number. But what is the purpose of calling over and over again and not leaving a message especially when you the caller knows the number is blocked. In my case it could be someone wanting to dyno. You would think after calling a dozen times they would leave a message if they were wanting my services. Hmm. I wonder who is calling.
  12. DTM Brian

    Polar Bear Run

    I would have done this 2 years ago. However I am a bit of a panzy now. I did check weather.com and things are not looking that good. We could possibly see more then just some snow showers friday.
  13. 5 pounds and 230 wheel is plenty of power for the street. Very clean bike. Gotta love the power of turbocharging. I have a couple of different turbo cars and possibly another one in the works. What are you using for engine management?
  14. Let me know if you need any information from to pass on to potiental sponsors of your event.
  15. Welcome. Do you drag race the busa or ride it on the street? Only place I have ever ridden a turbo busa is on the dyno.
  16. LMAO. It has been a few days since I laughed. I needed that.
  17. First thing I would do is pull the plugs and see if they smell like gas.
  18. "Mail Order" or "Canned" Tunes are not a guaranteed tuning solution for your motorcycle. You can take 10 of same make and model of with the same modifications and each tune will be a little different to get the same results. The advantages of a custom tune allow you to both maximize the peformance of your motorcycle while maintaining excellent ridability and longevity to your motorcycle's engine. We do not tune just for wot and max power. Our custom maps include changes to all rpm's and throttle positions. A number of our customers are amazed at the difference in their motorcyle after a custom tune. A custom map usually takes 1-2 hours. The number of pulls varies. Keep in mind when doing a custom map you are not just doing pulls at WOT. To do complete map I start at 100% and work backwards. Pulls are made at 100%, 80%, 60%, 40%, 20%, 10%, 5%, 2%, 0% covering as much of the rpm range as possible. Air/Fuel ratio targets are as follows (Percentages are Throttle Positions) 12.8 to 13.0 @ 100%, 80%, 60% 13.5 @ 40% 14.0 @ 20% 14.7 @ 10%, 5%, 2%, 0%. It has been my experience that these targets offer the best of everything including max power, throttle response, engine longevity, fuel economy.
  19. A custom map usually takes 1-2 hours. The number of pulls varies. Keep in mind when doing a custom map you are not just doing pulls at WOT. To do complete map I start at 100% throttle position and work backwards. Pulls are made at 100%, 80%, 60%, 40%, 20%, 10%, 5%, 2%, 0% covering as much of the rpm range as possible. Air/Fuel Targets are as follows 12.8 to 13.0 @ 100%, 80%, 60% 13.5 @ 40% 14.0 @ 20% 14.7 @ 10%, 5%, 2%, 0%. It has been my experience that these targets offer the best of everything including max power, throttle response, engine longevity, fuel economy.
  20. I will be there for sure. I would want to get started by 9am. I can not thank you and the others that helped last year. Will be sending you a PM per your request. Regular price for a custom (not canned) map is $200.00. I have been doing $50.00 off that price for members of OR. Be sure to have all the modifications you are wanting done so you can get the most out of a custom tune. I believe I have a pocket bike measure 1.8 hp on the dyno.
  21. If you know of anyone who would be interested in sponsoring a dyno for a bike night this year please get them in contact with me. I have some ideas on how the sponsor can advertise its business with the dyno. Click here to see mobile dynamometer rates Thanks in Advance!!!
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