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Everything posted by flounder

  1. I havent got one yet. Im debating ordering one very soon though but I will need adapters for my "gear" due to the way its currently threaded. Not really a big deal but I think you understand why they need to be perfect now. I have a guys that can make them that I trust to do it but they are 2 hrs from here and I just wondered if anyone was closer and could do it for cheaper. Any experienced machinist should be able to make both adapters in under 1 hr.
  2. I think he actually wants to start racing so he will need the yellow.. Im glad you like the murdered look because thats exactly what I want to do to you.
  3. Yeah thats fine shoot me his number. Im going to be honest that unless he does this for a living, I probably wont trust him to make the parts. These parts are very precise and need a good lathe and good lathe skills to be able to make them. Like I said, there is the risk of getting hurt or killed if the parts are not exact. Not to mention destroying another $1000 part that takes at least 6 months and a ton of paperwork to get.
  4. I dont need a fabricator.. I need an experienced lathe machinist... there is one hell of a difference. If these parts are not made right then it will cause the destruction of a much more expensive and super hard to get part(s) as well as potentially hurt or kill someone.
  5. Anyone know of anyone in the columbus area that is an experienced machineist. I need someone that can make some precision pieces for me. They need to be very experienced with a lathe as both these part need to be made on a lathe and will have to have internal and external threads cut as well as a perfectly concentric center bore. The threads I will need cut are as follows. 5/8x32 1/2X28 5/8x24 I have schematics for both. Both pieces will need to be made out of stainless steel. These are adapters to go from one thread setup to another. These parts MUST! be precision parts. There can be zero tooling marks on the bore and the bore must be perfectly concentric to the part and cannot be off my more then .001 Let me know if you know anyone.
  6. HAHA.. had to laugh at this one. Its kinda like a nice way of saying "Spread your legs baby." :D
  7. The street that whodey lived on he is absolutely right about the air and garage. Most apts in that area have carports. However, Where Im at, most all the apts have garages and the ones the dont, still have carports. I would say its a 50/50 split on garages/carports and every apt around my area has AC. As far as dishwashers go, yeah I dont have one and I cant answer about the others.
  8. I live in grandview and there are a ton of apts in this area for a reasonable price. The watermark off 670 isnt bad if you want to live in a community style complex. I live in the grandview neighborhood area and there are a ton of apts everywhere. Whodey lives close as well. Since you dont know where grandview is, its about 1.2-2 miles from downtown same distance from campus and same distance from campus to downtown. For example, I have a 2 bedroom about 1000sq ft with a garage and a basement and I pay 715 a month. I used to pay 650. There are other apts in the area for the same price, cheaper, more expensive etc. Let me know if your interested in more info. Same to you OSUMJ since your looking as well.
  9. Yotaman appears a bit confused on this one.
  10. Do you need the pins or the clips or both?
  11. flounder

    gun stuff

    Did you say P22? These are the P22's I was shooting this past saturday. Yeah they were fun.
  12. I dont think solaris will go open source but thats just me.
  13. Nah... your bike doesnt really create enough power at idle to keep the battery charged so every time you start it you are actually draining it more... Not to mention that every time you start it and run it, you introduce moisture into the system. If youre just storing it for winter, I pull the battery and fill my tank. If I had to store it for longer then that, (like over a year) I would pull the batt, drain the tank, and then contemplate filling the entire case with oil. On my track bike, I also pull the water pump hose and drain the radiator and engine of all water so it doesn't freeze. You dont have to do this with something that has antifreeze in it though. Ive never used Stabil as an fyi.
  14. If your storing a bike for a long period, you dont want to run it as it only drains the battery and introduces moisture into the system.
  15. Do what makes you comfortable. In over a year, you may find another bike you like more. If you doubt thats the case then, I would prep yours for long term storage.. If its going to be sitting for a year, DO NOT PUT STABIL IN IT. Pull the Batt, Drain the tank of all fuel, and open it and let it air out. Start the bike and run it till it dies to get all remaining fuel out of the injectors. Then depending, I would be tempted to completely fill the case and cylinders with oil to avoid and issues with rust.
  16. I showed up to meet putty but saw a cop and said it wasnt worth the risk and bailed. Yeah Im paranoid but not worth the risk.
  17. Travis... Before you put in a new stator.. pull off all that wiring you did for your tail light.. Im guessing you fucked something up with it which led to the stator taking a shit.
  18. Good luck. Heal up soon.
  19. Ive actually been looking for a deal on a yz450 so if you find one let me know.
  20. flounder


    I make the your, youre mistake all the time when Im typing fast.. just ask anyone.
  21. I knew it wouldnt remain stickerless for long.. Looks damn good putt putt.. If I end up with a 450. Im gonna let you pick the sticker kit for it..
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