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Everything posted by flounder

  1. You will get a garbage bag and thats it because I will not clean up the mess if you get sick... Seriously though.. no chutes would be in that plane. Im actually planning on going flying on Friday if the weather permits.
  2. April is usually rainy and wet.. Not the best for high speed runs. I may just rent an airplane that day and fly the route with a vid camera. Of course, I would need someone to do the actual video'ing since I will be a bit busy flying. Could be interesting watching everyone from the air.
  3. I thought you were used to taking it from Asian.. :D:dunno:
  4. hahahah wants money... yeah right... 20K bail, BS... not to mention that you only have to pay something like 5% of your actual bail amount to get released. Why the hell would you give someone you barely know money for bail. NO THANKS
  5. If you dont know him well enough to figure out who it is by the message, I sure as hell wouldn't be helping him out of jail... Sounds scammerish to me. Come get me.. yota leaves house, gets to jail, no one there, comes home, and everything is stolen...
  6. Nope... CCW is just for your concealed carry... There is a little hunting shop about a mile down the road from the deleware outdoor range where you pay $5 for a day pass.. Then you go and shoot shit. And they will let you shoot pretty much whatever you want as long as its not hazardous and you clean up when your done.
  7. Once again.. didn't i already proposition you for spare bodywork. Wow.. that sounded gay.
  8. At the open range, it is $5 a day to shoot at the outdoor pistol rifle range. on the left side of the driveway, you can shoot trap for free since your throwing your own clays and you dont have to worry about anyone going downrange. the rifle pistol side costs money since they have to have a rangemaster on hand.
  9. Note to self: kick Todd in the dick if I ever meet him..
  10. EAT SHIT... I have been hounding for spares for a while now.. I had to go egay and so should you.
  11. It depends. during the winter months, we will head up to delaware state park and take the shotguns and shoot some trap and then head over to the pistol range if we have something we want to detroy with the handguns. Other then that I will hit some of the indoor ranges here in columbus. Powder Room, New albany. I dont think there are any more IDPA matches this year which sucks because those are fun and great training for personal defense training. I figured you could pretty much shoot in your back yard up there in Gilead. Depending on the next time your down this way, you could bring it with you and we could try and hit up a range.
  12. Shitty does have a Kevlar vest but the only grenades he has are the ones he drops in the toilet after Mexican night.
  13. I have a sub compact .40 (Glock 27). It is the weapon I carry for my CCW. Im surprised you didn't see me put it in my holster after Pops event while you were checking out that axle. Not allowed to carry it into the bar. my friend has the .45 in the subcompact but its just too much recoil for such a small frame to allow you to fire quickly and accurately. The full size colt .45 feels like a dream though. I dont have a light or laser for mine but if I were to get one, since I carry it, I would get one of the lasers that are mounted to the recoil rod inside the pistol. they are really nice because they allow you to cary the weapon in any holster designed for that model as opposed to having to buy a special holster to accommodate whatever is mounted to the tactical rail. Let me know when you want me to teach you how to fire that XD of yours. I know what you mean by the farm town mentality. Grew up in one myself. People here wouldnt even believe me if I told them the shit we used to do. And get away with.....
  14. You have a gemtech? Ive been looking at them for quite some time. just deciding what caliber suppressor I want to get and for what weapon. Some models have problems when firing with suppressors attached and can potentially brake the frame if firing while the breech is locked..
  15. no no I wasnt saying you made any threats. I was making a general statement.
  16. It definately would not be a good idea to show up on someones doorstep especially after documented internet quarrels since those advances can be considered threats upon life and family and will be met with whatever steps necessary to defend ones self and family. I have some tricks up my sleeve as well should someone actually show up on my doorstep. And just in case the neighbors are sleeping. I want one of these bad.
  17. Even if you dont bend over, Yota is known for carrying around this. and if that doesnt work. YOTA TAKES WHAT HE WANTS....
  18. Im going to offer up the idea of a sanctioned boxing event between these 2.. Winner takes all including the right to kick the other in the junk.
  19. Not sure why it wasnt working Linky http://www.petdiscounters.com/mc_images/product/detail/coastal_john_deere_tractor_dog_toy.jpg
  20. Dont get angry when you see this pass you at the track.
  21. Thats bullshit.. this thread was just getting interesting. :grin:
  22. I really dont think there is much to worry about here. Not to mention that if someone wants to find you they will find you. Banning someone only gives them more reason to get pissed off and try and take it further. Like I said, its a public forum and opinions should be 100% allowed even if they are about each other.
  23. I agree that unless the thread needs to be closed due to a final sale or moved for relevance then it should be left where it is. Its the ability of people to speak their minds and allow a thread to go any direction it can that makes the forum what it is. I dont think that you should move a thread to a bashing forum just because you dont like it somewhere else.. I think its fine where it is and the content is fine as well. I dont think anyone here is has been offended by what has transpired in this thread.
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