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Everything posted by flounder

  1. So back to the original topic. The fact that their is talk of charging the driver for the deaths of the news crews is absolutely ridiculous. As much as I feel for the families of the deceased, I currently have my pilots license and as bad as it sounds, this accident is no one else's fault but the pilots. The first rule in flying VFR (Visual Flight Rules) is to know what is around you and pay attention for other traffic. It is not the responsibility of the tower or anyone other then the pilot. unfortunately, one, if not both of these pilots was paying attention to what was happening on the ground and not what they are required to pay attention to which is the air traffic around them. If the individual who stole the car is actually charged, I feel its a even larger step backwards for our already screwed up justice system.. How long will it be before the govt/state agencies start blaming everything on someone else. This was a tragic situation but unless the car in the car was controlling the copters via remote, he is not at fault..
  2. flounder

    Hex Game

    I think I did just fine.. common philosophy of if you can work on the really old tough shit then you should be able to work on the newer easier stuff just fine.. ultimately the same concept, just different language.. Either way, Im sure you will agree, it was more fun doing the low level shit then it is the high level languages.
  3. flounder

    Hex Game

    Must be nice.. I got stuck with a damn Intel 8080 and 8085... Talk about old school..
  4. flounder

    Hex Game

    Ah yes... the Missing K..... shit.... ya got me...
  5. flounder

    Hex Game

    Uhmmm what are you talking about.. I didnt miss a K.
  6. flounder

    Hex Game

    Actually it did, I used to have to convert, HEX->BIN->OCT->DEC->ASCII all the time for low level programming (Assembler to be exact )that I did in college.
  7. flounder

    Hex Game

  8. flounder

    Hex Game

    Super Gay Ben strikes again.. PS.. (translation = Hex is the motherfucking shit.) Oh no,, guess what the flounder is an engineer and had to do that shit every day.. Who would have thought the flat fish new a thing or two.
  9. My location = Mid Ohio from Aug 2 - Aug 5.....
  10. Im in for the rebuild... a sprocket the size of a serving platter would be funny.. Hey shitty ... you do realize that at 88mph the flux capacitor kicks in right??
  11. Its a pretty intense run.... People from all over the world compete in it with some pretty pimp setups. The course is kept uber secret until the last minute.. Some people do it to cruise while others run ballz out with endurance tanks and some Unobtanium parts I wish I could afford. (Unobtanium meaning good fucking luck trying to buy that part yourself because they are for pro race teams only and usually destroyed before the public gets their hands on them. )
  12. http://cgi.liveauctions.ebay.com/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&category=52933&item=230155438774
  13. Enjoy... http://www.weather.com/weather/weekend/43212?from=36hr_topnav_undeclared
  14. Its true.. May I suggest making a run through by the gorge and firetower before stomping on it because the roads are narrow and people always cut into your lane. Not to mention their tends to be gravel at certain spots (Not many but some) You will also get to know where the park rangers are.
  15. Ask charles (aka Putty) tonight at Shell.. he has a speedo healer on his 07zx10 to correct for his gearing change as well.. I would do a +1 on the rear instead of a +2 -1+2 is close to the equivalent of going up 5-7 teeth in the rear. Thats alot for a 1K
  16. As in something besides the rattle can area?
  17. Im probably down... Ive jumped there about 7 times.. No Tandem jump for me.. I get to jump solo with my own chute...
  18. flounder

    Try This!!!!!

    Well, Im a bit smarter then that and all links to "Track someone with their cellphone" are always BS links.
  19. Just do a search for any of the roads around mohican and the pleasant hill lake area.. between Butler, perrysville, loudiville.
  20. flounder

    Try This!!!!!

    Houston...... Fire33 is a fag....
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