So back to the original topic. The fact that their is talk of charging the driver for the deaths of the news crews is absolutely ridiculous. As much as I feel for the families of the deceased, I currently have my pilots license and as bad as it sounds, this accident is no one else's fault but the pilots. The first rule in flying VFR (Visual Flight Rules) is to know what is around you and pay attention for other traffic. It is not the responsibility of the tower or anyone other then the pilot. unfortunately, one, if not both of these pilots was paying attention to what was happening on the ground and not what they are required to pay attention to which is the air traffic around them. If the individual who stole the car is actually charged, I feel its a even larger step backwards for our already screwed up justice system.. How long will it be before the govt/state agencies start blaming everything on someone else. This was a tragic situation but unless the car in the car was controlling the copters via remote, he is not at fault..