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Everything posted by flounder

  1. Steve Woods Hide Fighter. http://www.knifeart.com/hidefighter.html
  2. flounder

    Verbal Diarrhea

    Dick Goddard must be damn near 100 yrs old by now!
  3. flounder


    Did someone say they wanted to buy a .22 suppressor? just let me know
  4. Sounds good.. If I had the money right now I would be all over it. Unfortunately, there are allot of things I need around the house this year and I doubt I will be able to afford one. Im looking at building a 24x40 outbuilding. Know anyone that does concrete reasonable. ?
  5. I removed his address as a courtesy to him giving him the benefit of the doubt since he has not commented.
  6. Good info for those that dont know! I want a good welder
  7. For added fun, you could take that number and sign it up for calls on "various internet sites" Use your imagination. Ive been nice enough not to post his email address as I know that would get signed up any place you could think of on the net.
  8. Im not saying he is or saying he isnt.. Divorces and custody battles can be nasty and you never really know what happens. All I did was post the court filings and judgements. Feel free to read them all yourself.
  9. Well this just got interesting.. Hey Layton Gillen, aka Shankroid Beast - Age 44 <Address Removed by flounder as a courtesy> .. Why dont you really tell everyone here what happened or do I need to post your court records myself since you cant seem to tell the whole story. Looks like Layton went through a custody battle starting around March of 2010 which would make sense as there was a "PETITION FOR DOMESTIC VIOLENCE CIVIL PROTECTIO ORDER " filed against him in June of 2009. Looks like the custody battle case was closed in August of 2010 and guess what, Two months later in November 2010 another " PETITION FOR DOMESTIC VIOLENCE CIVIL PROTECTION ORDER" was filed against him by the same woman. Going out on a limb here and guessing your ex. Oh and that petition was granted in Dec 2012. Yeah domestic violence will definitely keep you from owning a firearm. Oh and just for the record. Ive archived this entire thread, your profile, including pictures of yourself to tie to your screename, your court documents, the threats in this thread against walthergsp, your old threads with threats against him as well. Piece of advice, GO AWAY FROM THIS BOARD AND DONT COME BACK......EVER!!! We dont take to kindly to threats against other members or anyone for that matter. If you come here again, make threats on the board again, make threats in person, show aggression towards any members on or off the board, Im going to package all of this information up and send it to the pickaway county and franklin county courthouse and make sure it gets to your probation officer, the judge, local sheriff, etc Consider yourself warned and my suggestion would be to bow out gracefully and ban yourself before I actually get upset enough to send this information to the powers that be. Consider this the first ever internet, "Ban yourself" thread. Thanks for playing, have a nice day!
  10. I'm glad I could help and thanks sharoidbeast for proving my point that you are a pathetic, angry, argumentative, mentally unstable, roid rage, attention whore, male half naked picture posting whiny baby. I knew if I let this thread go overnight like a nice crockpot dinner that that tough guy would show his true colors and you would all see him for the clown he is. I need a good laugh on the way to work so please tell me more about your waste size again mmmkay. Kisses!!!!
  11. I suggest you go to therapy for anger management and stay off the juice. You were pretty much a complete prick the last time you were on the board and evidently you act in a similar manner off the board as well to get yourself in trouble the way you have. Start using your head and acting your age and you won't have to come on a public forum asking about weapons because you have troubles with the law and pissed others off as well.
  12. Uhm. see bold above.. the kluckys last longer than anything out there. And they dont "grab" like some pucks do. I can wear a normal set of pucks down in 1 track day if I wanted. Pucks are to help you judge your lean angle without tearing up your suit, not to drag on every possible corner. The more you ride, the more you learn that you touch the puck for judging lean angle, then you pull it back, lean in more, etc. You dont just drag them to drag them.
  13. 200 yd golf ball shot. Pssssttt. Wussy My friends range where they always do a golf ball shoot after training. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RjRLFHELjUY http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=w5Jce0OQijM http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=59kJphXBS7Q http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aMaGqm-adJg
  14. The coyotes have been going crazy out by me lately.. Woke me up the other morning and were going crazy yipping and barking about 1030 last night.
  15. Pissed off coon? Hard to even guess with your description of the sound. Depending where your located maybe a feral hog.
  16. You failed... The hole point was to see you actually smack it.. I thought you were smarter than that.. Would have been perfect if we actually saw the hit...
  17. Its the 55 profile of the 190 vs the 50 of the 180 that your getting used to. Not sure why you did it though if that is your bike in your profile pic. No need for it.
  18. Quit being a puzzy.. Come on over and we can hit it with <insert weapon of choice> NO MEAT HAMMERS!
  19. I seriously doubt you will be able to put together a .5 MOA AR10 in .308 without a gunsmith doing his part. AR's are a bit of a different beast especially .308's to get to shoot 1/2 min especially at distance. .5 at 100-300, probably, after that, doubt it if you are just screwing together off the shelve components yourself. Theres also allot that goes into driving an AR properly, especially the larger cal at distance. Let me know if you want to talk to a gunsmith about it and Ill put you in touch with mine. He's a straight shooter and wont BS you as well as one of the nicest guys I know. Ive directed a bunch of people to him and everyone has nothing but good things to say about him personally and his work.
  20. What is your definition of long range and what are your accuracy expectations?
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