Lights and Lazer mounts huh? On your CCW? Here's some advice, forget about that shit! Adding external lights and lasers to a CCW is ridiculous. Learn how to shoot, practice, practice practice. Its a CCW, youre not going to be clearing rooms with it and if you are, you dont understand the term CCW. Yes some of the models come with Lasers but adding external lights/laser is not something you typically do nor need on a CCW gun. Once you learn the laws of CCW, hopefully this will make more sense to you. Im not trying to be a dick but people need to think a bit more. If you want a laser then get a model with it build in already that is grip activated. You dont want to go fumbling around trying to find the switch to turn one on nor do you want to add the external dimensions to add an external one. Oh and one last thing. The absolute best advice I can give to any CCW holder is to go and enter some IDPA shoots. This will help you better understand what you would deal with in a real life situation while getting your heart rate up, making you think and focus, and actually hit what your aiming at.